Avon Science Fiction Readers, Issues #1-3, which comprise the complete print run of this series. 


 • Love Was Treason in That Future War • essay by Donald A. Wollheim

3 • The War of the Sexes • (1933) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton

25 • Green Glory • [The Mini-Men] • (1935) • short story by Frank Belknap Long

34 • The Immeasurable Horror • (1931) • short story by Clark Ashton Smith

45 • The Morrison Monument • (1935) • novelette by Murray Leinster

65 • The Incubator Man • (1928) • short story by Wallace West

71 • The Dark Side of Antri • [John Hanson] • (1931) • novelette by Sewell Peaslee Wright

88 • Blind Flight • (1942) • short story by Donald A. Wollheim

95 • Rhythm of the Spheres • (1934) • short story by A. Merritt

105 • Madness of the Dust • (1930) • short story by R. F. Starzl

116 • The Cosmic Express • (1930) • short story by Jack Williamson


 • The Schemes of This Fatal Beauty Challenged the Very Stars Themselves! • essay by Donald A. Wollheim

3 • Priestess of the Flame • [John Hanson] • (1932) • novelette by Sewell Peaslee Wright

26 • The Whisperers • (1935) • short story by Donald Wandrei

39 • When Half-Worlds Meet • (1941) • short story by John B. Michel

53 • The Superperfect Bride • (1929) • novelette by Bob Olsen

70 • Vulthoom • [Mars (Clark Ashton Smith)] • (1935) • novelette by Clark Ashton Smith

89 • The Man Who Discovered Nothing • [Tubby Maguire] • (1920) • short story by Ray Cummings

95 • Highway • short story by Robert A. W. Lowndes [as by Robert W. Lowndes]

105 • When the Flame-Flowers Blossomed • (1935) • short story by Leslie F. Stone

115 • The Book of Worlds • (1929) • short story by Miles J. Breuer, M.D.

124 • The Rebuff • [Jorkens] • (1945) • short story by Lord Dunsany


 • Flesh or the Machine---Which? • essay by Donald A. Wollheim

3 • The Robot Empire • (1934) • short story by Frank Belknap Long (variant of The Vapor Death)

13 • P.N. 40 • (1929) • novelette by S. Fowler Wright

34 • The Master Ants • [Professor Reubens] • (1928) • novelette by Francis Flagg

59 • In the Walls of Eryx • (1939) • novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling

81 • The Black Stone Statue • (1937) • short story by Mary Elizabeth Counselman

91 • The Planet of Dread • (1930) • short story by R. F. Starzl

104 • The Alien Vibration • (1942) • short story by Hannes Bok

117 • The Ultimate Paradox • (1945) • short story by Thorp McClusky