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From the visual to the visionary. Surrealist trajectories in art

Autore: Ingarao G. (cur.); Bucchieri A. (cur.); Valenza E. (cur.)

Titolo: From the visual to the visionary. Surrealist trajectories in art

Editore: Mimesis International

Pagine: 326

Ean: 9788869774201

ATTENZIONE in rari casi l'immagine del prodotto potrebbe differire da quella riportata nell'inserzione


This book aims to investigate Surrealism's precedents in visual tradition and to explore its influence on contemporary art. Taking the ideational power of vision as its starting point, 13 essays examine, from different perspectives, themes essential to the Surrealist avant-garde - dreams, magic, madness - but also mystic visions, hybridity and the ongoing relevance of syncretic figures as protean germinations of the irrational. The book opens with a reconsideration of André Breton's last book, L'Art Magic (1957). The other essays cover a rather wide array of themes from the witches' iconography in the early Modern period to the contemporary immersive video-installations, with some specific surrealism-related topics brought into focus. Following the file rouge traced by Breton, the possibility of a different narrative on art history clearly emerges.


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