This set of door knobs came from a home built in 1912 that I restored 1998-2002 in Memphis.  During the restoration process, I removed all 46 door knobs (as all the knobs were painted over), and I had them professional restored in 1998.  These two knobs that I am offering for sale were left over, because I removed one of the interior doors from the house.  I have received conflicting information as to the date of the knobs.  One source says they date to 1910, yet another source says 1890’s.

This set of door knobs appears (to me at least) to have more of a brass tone, as opposed to bronze, but I am no professional, and all the other Ebay listings describe their identical Yale & Towne “Meridian” pattern door knobs as being bronze. This set of knobs being offered for sale would have been heavily lacquered in 1998 when they were restored.   I can see from some of the “close up” photos that some of the lacquer is beginning to wear on the undersides of the knobs.  Also, I have pointed out with my pen in one photo that the center of one of the knobs is slightly dented—something that I did not notice before.  

Finally, please note that one of the knob appears to be affixed to the spindle with a nail sized metal insert on the side of the knob that does not unscrew.   You will see it on the photo. This must have been normal for the time.  The other knob has a regular size hole for a screw.    Both door knobs are 2 5/8” long and 1 5/8” wide.  The spindle is 1/4”.  If you have any questions or comments whatsoever, please reach out and let me know.  Many thanks and best regards, H. Tucker Dewey in Memphis, TN.