1994 Chicago Blackhawks Chicago Stadium Unplayed Playoff Tickets Set of 2

Offered is a set of 2 - 1994 Chicago Blackhawks / Chicago Stadium unused / unplayed full playoff tickets from the last ever season at historic Chicago Stadium.  With their game 6 loss in the first round of the 1994 playoffs, the Blackhawks completed their 65 year run at historic Chicago Stadium.  The Stadium closed and was raised months later.

Myself and my father were Blackhawk season ticket holders, and we obtained these unused / unplayed tickets through a box office connection. They were for our season tickets in the 1st Balcony Front Row at the Blackhawk blue line.  The tickets are in NM condition with no flaws (see pics) and have been kept in a box for almost 30 years.

A tangible historical souvenir of the Chicago Stadium and Blackhawks history.