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Through Small Eyes

by Jessica Stafford

Through Small Eyes is the story of one dog, Harley, whose life suddenly changes as another dog, Mia, of a different breed joins the family.Harley assumes his life will be ruined and his family will no longer love him.Harley soon learns he was very wrong.The moral of this story is that even when our lives change because we get a new brother or sister, even if they look different than we do, family is family--no matter the size, shape, or color--and families always love each other no matter what.

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Author Jessica Stafford
Pages 42
Publisher Christian Faith
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798886160840
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-02-09
Imprint Christian Faith
Subtitle (Life from a Dog's Perspective)
Illustrations 20 Illustrations
Audience Children / Juvenile
