The is a used replacement LCD screen/display from a Garmin Fenix (fēnix) 5 Plus, Sapphire Titanium model.

This screen is an extra from another watch that I repaired. I have verified that the screen is still working.

The screen is in fair condition. There are a couple tiny marks in the sapphire glass itself that I think you can see in the picture. They are actually pretty hard to see in real life.

The outer edge of the screen also has some marks, but they appear to be under the glass. These are also harder to see in real life, but easier to see than the marks in the sapphire that are on the main part of the display.

The bezel has wear as well, somewhat normal for a sports watch. The 5 o'clock position is where the wear is the worst.

I wouldn't hesitate to use a screen in this condition myself, if that matters to you.

This is for the Fenix 5 Plus Sapphire Titanium. I think it will likely work in the non-Sapphire 5 Plus models as well. It will definitely not work in the 5X or 5S. I do not know if it will work in the non-Plus models. Contact me if you need help figuring out if this will work.

Installation requires connecting 2 ribbon cables. One of the cables is tiny and can be tough to place, but if you've repaired things before, with a little patience it is possible.