Don't be fooled. I was the original person to make replacement tires for the OmniBot 2000.
Only reason anyone else can do it, is because I made a youTube video showing them how.
They don't have thirty years of molding and casting experience though.
That's why I can do it cheaper. Molding and casting isn't my hobby. It's my profession.

Check out my videos to see how to refurbish your OmniBot 2000 on youTube.

These are four (4) brand new tires that were molded from the original OmniBot 2000 tires.
These are not 3D printed. Cast from super strong urethane.

Note, these are handmade. They are not factory pressed with steel molds. These are made by getting thick urethane rubber into a skinny silicone rubber mold. So expect some flaws. Expect some tiny bubbles here and there. Expect some flashing around any seems where the mold comes together. They are cleaned up as much as possible, but being handmade, they won't be 100% perfect. It's just the nature of using rubber.

Made by Randi Rain