Print Specifics:
  • Type of print: Intaglio (Steel engraving) - Original antique print
  • Year of printing: not indicated in the print - actual 1857
  • Artist : Miss Hosmer
  • Publisher: Virtue & Company, London.
  • Condition: 1 (1. Excellent - 2. Very good - 3. Good - 4. Fair).
  • Dimensions: 9 x 12.5 inches (23 x 32 cm), including blank margins (borders) around the image.
  • Paper weight: 1-2 (1. Thick - 2. Heavier - 3. Medium heavy - 4. Slightly heavier - 5. Thin)
  • Reverse side: Blank
  • Note: (1) Green color around the print in the photo is a contrasting background on which the print was photographed. (2) The detail of the print is sharper than the photo of the print.

Original Narrative:

    Beatrice Cenci was a  young Roman noblewoman whose condemnation to death by Pope Clement VIII aroused public sympathy and became the subject of poems, dramas, and novels, including The Cenci (1819) by Percy Bysshe Shelley and Beatrice Cenci (1958) by Alberto Moravia. Beatrice was the daughter (by his first wife) of Francesco Cenci, a vicious and violent Roman nobleman of great wealth and influence. In 1595 he  took his second wife, Lucrezia, with Beatrice, to the lonely castle of La Petrella, in the province of Aquila, imprisoning them there and treating them with great brutality. After various attempts to gain her freedom, Beatrice found refuge in a liaison with the castellan, Olimpio Calvetti. With Calvetti, her brother Giacomo, and others, she finally planned the murder of her father. He was assassinated on Sept. 9, 1598, and his body   thrown from a balcony to create the appearance of an accident. The facts, however, soon came out, and the whole Cenci family was arrested. Lucrezia, Giacomo, and Bernardo, another brother, confessed the crime, and Beatrice, who at first denied everything, even under torture, also ended  by confessing. Great efforts were made to obtain mercy for the accused, but Clement refused to grant pardon and Beatrice, Lucrezia, and Giacomo were executed, Bernardo escaping death because of his youth. The Cenci property was confiscated, and this, it was rumoured, was the pope's object in destroying them.

    Miss Hosmer was native of Boston. The statue was considered a rare piece as any sculpture from female hands was of a rare occurrence in the 19th century.

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