The Nile on eBay

Shadow of the Raven

by Emily McPherson

May the roof above us never fall in. And may the friends gathered below it never fall out.
Ianthe is back with another adventure, and this time, she's leaving home. The Scrch Sdhe is dead, but now Ianthe is seeing shadows of the ones loved and lost everywhere she goes. Hoping to heal and leave the past where it belongs, she departs from the town of East Wind, Ireland to visit her aunt just outside the bustling city of Derry. But fate waits for no woman, and a new threat is circling the skies.
It's been three months since Fintan died in the river, and now the girl he loves can barely look at him without seeing a corpse. A miracle of heritage brought him back to life, but it may not be enough to save his relationship. While Ianthe travels to Derry, Fintan stays behind to run his newly inherited weaponry and keep an eye on his aging father. But coughing up buckets of water several weeks after drowning wasn't something he saw coming. While Ianthe's world keeps spinning, time is ticking, and Death is knocking at Fintan's door.

Brand New


Author Emily McPherson
Pages 378
Publisher Eyebright Books
Series Protectors
Year 2024
ISBN-13 9798986797359
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2024-03-05
Imprint Eyebright Books
Series Number 2
Audience Teenage / Young adult
Audience Age 13-18
