Herbal Spell Bottle Pendant for 'Love' on a Black Cord Necklace.

These little Bottle pendants are made from quite sturdy glass! But please do remember... it is only glass so no rock climbing or bungee jumping while wearing or carrying one!!

Each little Bottle holds certain oils, sands, herbs, barks, berries or/and petals to correspond with the purpose of the Bottle, e.g. Protection, Health, Love etc.

I do spend some time on these little treasures in Blessing and Charging the Bottle before it arrives to you ready to use!

Each Bottle, with it's blend of ingredients for whichever purpose you choose from the ones we have for sale at Amarna Alexandra's, attracts that desired element to you when you carry it on your person or wear it on the Black Cord Necklace that comes with this  little treasure.

So, say for instance, if you choose Fertility, then this Bottle will NOT make you pregnant, but will aid you in trying and attract 'Fertility' to you or those who the Pendant is intended for. You still have to eat healthy, exercise and have fun trying!

Like with the 'Love' Pendant, I cannot and would not do a Spell to make someone fall in love with you or keep onto a love that shouldn't be, as this is wrong and goes against my belief and the rule of 'Free Will'. These things tend to backfire and hurt everyone in the process. Instead, this Pendant attracts Love and Friendship to you and to those around you... which is always a great thing!!

These are small glass pendants and therefore can fit into your purse or pocket to carry around with you if you do not want to wear it on the Black Cord Necklace that comes with this item.

The Pendant and Necklace comes in a Beautiful handcrafted Black Card Box and each order will be labelled so that no confusion will occur if you have bought more than one!

There are more choices available if you want to make a quick cuppa and have a scroll through them!

This Bottle Pendant is for LOVE and holds a variety of herbs, oils and bits of this and that all relating to Luck!

Please contact me before buying for postage costs if you do not live in the UK.