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Poetical Musings on Pianos, Music & Life - Vol. I

by Ann Grogan

Ann's poetic message rings clear that it's never too late to learn to play an instrument, make new musical friends, and open one's heart to the tender feelings of music that Marcel Proust called "a means of communication between souls."

Brand New

Publisher Description

ABOUT THE POETRY ANTHOLOGY: In great joy, excitement, and curiosity Ann describes a newly rediscovered world of sound and music after she retired from busy careers in trial law and a fashion corset business. Seeking solace during the pandemic lockdown and in her late 70s, one day she noticed her spinet piano sitting untouched since graduation from high school, and decided to take lessons again. She began lessons by reviewing elementary piano books and a year later the thought struck her to "borrow" a friendly neighbor's grand piano--to play at least once in her life--in exchange for a gourmet home-cooked dinner. No less than two weeks after playing her neighbor's gorgeous semi-concert grand Bosendorfer, Ann decided she wanted her own grand piano and went on an arduous ten-month search for The Duchess, a Golden Age 1927 Steinway Model M parlor grand that she had completely rebuilt and refinished. In whimsical, sometimes hilarious, and often tender poetry she describes her search for her beloved piano, discusses her favorite Romantic era compositions and talented, sometimes eccentric, pianists, and shares her struggles to relearn piano technique. She imparts positive life-affirming wisdom and encouragement to pursue one's creative dreams and musical passions at any age, and to incorporate music in its myriad iterations into life. Her message rings clear that it's never too late to learn to play an instrument, make new musical friends, and open one's heart to the tender feelings of music, which French novelist Marcel Proust aptly called "a means of communication between souls."

Author Biography

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ann Grogan is an exuberant lover of health and the arts. As a child, and at the urging of her mother, she pursued ballet, tap, acrobatics, calligraphy, and painting plus five years of piano lessons. Her love of the visual and dance arts persisted, but music receded into the background of a 16-year career in San Francisco in administrative, regulatory, and civil rights trial law, followed by a dramatic switch to own and operate a cozy erotic lingerie and corset boutique for eight years. When she closed her retail venture, she opened an in-home and online custom corset and wedding gown design business for another 22 years until she retired in 2020. Rediscovering piano music then propelled her into poetry as the perfect way to express her growing love of music. Even though not naturally or easily proficient in an instrument and occasionally lacking self confidence, Ann found that music has many benefits. It has led to a deepening relationship with her life partner, Ron, and with old friends, and has helped her to make new warm-hearted friends in the music community. It has renewed her love of life and improved her brain health derived from memorizing music, plus managing the myriad challenges that are inherent in learning to play the piano.


"A heartfelt journey of rekindled love for the piano, blending playfulness with attentive study and unequivocal permission to pursue one's passions at any age." -- Cary Ann Rosko, LMFT, mezzo-soprano
"Ann's words are those of love of music, life, abundance, family, and humanity. She understands all that is music: its essence, poignancy, and soul-stirrng centrality to life. She imparts that profound connection to the reader with poetry that is fresh and perceptive. Her poems will inspire you to learn more, seek out more, and play more music!" -- Janine Borchgrevink, piano teacher, artist and architect


Author Ann Grogan
Pages 128
ISBN-13 9781970109863
Format Paperback
Subtitle Vol. I
Publisher Ann Grogan
Imprint Ann Grogan
Audience General
Year 2023
Publication Date 2023-10-15
