Preferred Tung Ting Gui Fei tea - Honey flavor oolong tea

Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea is also known as bug bitten tea (bitten by the Jacobiasca formosana), White Tip Oolong tea or Five Color tea, etc., so when the tea leaves bit by the Jacobiasca formosana, the bitten section within leaves ferment and later to develop the unique honey scents. The level of honey scent determines the grade of the tea variety. The new buds, which have eaten by the tea jassid, curl up, become yellow and stop growing. They contain rich special protein substances secreted by the tea jassid. The new buds, which have been eaten by the tea jassid, curl up, become yellow and stop growing. They contain rich special protein substances secreted by the tea jassid. Also, the enhanced activity of the "tea polyphenols" and the increased amount of the "tea tannin" within the tea leaves are caused by the self-curable capacity of the tea tree itself, that makes this tea variety carry its unique flavor for tastes. There are several conditions for harvesting the new sprouts with tea jassid bites, such as

First: No pesticide spraying

Second, Cultivate it naturally and with luck. The tea jassid does not nibble the tea plantation all.

Third, because the leaves are bitten by the tea jassid, the tea leaves would curl up and stop growing that makes it difficult to pick up and the cost of tea leaves picked per 1 kg is raising accordingly. 

Product Description~

[Type]: Tung Ting Gui Fei tea

[Packaging]: 150 grams (4 taels) x 1

[Maturity]: Fermentation degree: 50% - Medium base

[Tea liquid]: Honey Red

 The tea made from the young leaves injured with bug bites is prone to generate astringent taste. Therefore, it is suggested to brew the tea with lower temperature, or less amount of tea leaves, or brew it openly (without cover), or shorter to make it light for decreasing the generation of astringent tastes. 


  1. 第一:不可噴灑農藥
  2. 第二:可遇不可求,小綠葉蟬並不會雨露均霑的咬食每一分的茶園
  3. 第三:因為經由小綠葉茶蟲咬過,芽葉捲曲,停止生長,所以採摘不易,每斤採摘的成本都需提高。
