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Walking In Your Assignment (New Edition) - Revised Edition

by John Francis

What is my purpose and destiny? Why does it seem that something is missing in my life? How can I satisfy the deep yearning, the restlessness inside me? Men and women have been asking themselves these questions for centuries. Some find the answers and live their lives full of excitement and abundance joy - some don't and their lives are full of bitterness and despair. Unless you are walking in your God-given assignment, you will continue to question yourself. When you discover your assignment, your life will change forever. You will enjoy every morning - waking up to all that God designed especially for you! Walking in Your Assignment will launch you into an everyday life you never thought possible. Filled with Holy Spirit-inspired truth, you can begin walking today - hand in hand with the God who loves you dearly and wants to use you to change the world.

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Bishop John Francis has been a spiritual son and dear friend to Theresa and I for many years. We love him and Pastor Penny with all our hearts. It humbles me to see how God has taken a young man who used to attend our European conferences at the Royal Albert Hall and watch our miracle working power of God in action, and now use him to build one of London's most powerful church ministries impacting so many thousands of peoples' lives every week. Bishop John Francis is an example of how to follow a God-given assignment. It is my great joy to recommend this book as essential for anyone who wants to fulfil their God-given assignment for their life. (Foreword by the late Evangelist Morris Cerullo before his passing)


Author John Francis
Pages 142
Publisher Sekal Publishing
Edition Description 2nd ed.
Year 2023
Edition 2nd
ISBN-13 9780995799981
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-08-07
Imprint Sekal Publishing
Audience General
