This unit has literally only been turned on for DVD use (from back when I lived with my parents and wanted a dual purpose unit).  But even at that, it was only on for at most a couple of total hours.  The unit is electronically perfect, has the high speed networking interface, original gray controller, and DVD remote, with power cord.  The ONLY issue with this unit is the drive tray opening.  I can open it easily by slipping a narrow pair of tweezers in and barely nudging the left hand side of the tray just after pressing the open button.  Closing seems to work just fine.  Im hoping the images show that I was able to start it in DVD mode, and show a game up and running (Luigi).

I think the drive could come back to 100% with just a new belt.  Im charging what Im charging for shipping, because I will not ship an item of this value without insurance (to protect both of us), and I don't accept returns.