Product Specs:

- 100% Hand-Painted

- Protected with clear resin cover

- Compatible with Cherry MX Switches and clones (Crossed-shape switches)

- Profile SA R1

- Backlit

As a member of Team Rocket, Meowth is fiercely loyal to Jessie and James, often going to great lengths to impress them and fulfill their goals of capturing rare Pokémon. Despite facing constant challenges and setbacks, Meowth remains dedicated to the team, serving as the comic relief and often coming up with elaborate schemes to steal Pikachu or other rare pokemon. Meowth harbors a deep longing for acceptance and validation from Jessie and James. This internal struggle highlights his desire to belong and be appreciated for who he is. Meowth's role in Team Rocket shows themes of loyalty, friendship, and the pursuit of acceptance, making him a favorite character in the Pokémon series.

This artisan keycap features a design inspired by the iconic 1st gen pokemon Meowth from the Pokemon series. It is perfect for fans of the franchise who want to add a touch of charm to their keyboard. The keycap is made using high-quality materials and is compatible with mechanical keyboards. No Refunds.