Great Writers on the Great War Revolt in the Desert - T. E. Lawrence

Art Nr.: 144563578X

ISBN 13: 9781445635781

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Erschienen bei: Amberley Publishing

Einband: Taschenbuch

Maße: 195x123x27 mm

Seitenzahl: 288

Gewicht: 350 g

Sprache: Deutsch

Autor: T. E. Lawrence



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Revolt in the Desert is the extraordinary story of the war in Arabia between 1916 and 1918, written by one of the war''s most extraordinary characters, Lawrence of Arabia. It tells of his adventures and life amongst the Arab tribesmen, the daring raids on the Turks, the demolition of railway lines, the attacking of desert outposts, and of the opening of ''the road to Damascus'' and eventual overthrow of the Turks in the inhospitable landscape of the Middle East. Few had made headway with the Bedouin and Arabs before Lawrence, but his strength of character and his personality suited this war perfectly and he was soon considered to be hugely important in the fight in the Middle East both by his superiors and by the Arabs who rallied around him. This is his story, from his viewpoint. T.E. Lawrence truly was a great writer on the Great War.

Informationen über den Autor

T.E. Lawrence should need no explanation. From his early days as an academic to his death at the controls of his Brough Superior motorcycle, via Revolt in the Desert, the RAF and the Tank Regiment he has assumed almost mythical status today.