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Titolo: Code of Conduct
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Tales of the Roller Coaster of Life
EAN: 9781642258134
ISBN: 9781642258134
Publisher: Advantage Media Group
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 22/02/2024

2024 Nonfiction Book Awards Silver Medalist

Start developing your own code of conduct for the modern world!

Discover the transformative power of Code of Conduct by Scott Freidheim. This captivating and insightful recollection of life events, whether it’s sprinting out of the World Financial Center on 9/11, navigating business in the Gulf during Arab Spring, engaging with Michael Jackson and George Foreman, or avoiding an attempt on his life by a school shooter, the journey Scott takes readers on is a wild first hand account of many moments in our collective history.

Through 32 chapters on a mix of both noble tenets and moral threats, such as, materialism, balance, love, and more, Scott shares his colorful personal experiences, hard-earned wisdom, and practical strategies that will empower you to unlock your own guiding characteristics. From highs like becoming a CEO of a NYSE-traded company, to the challenges he faced on the brink of bankruptcy in 2008, Scott reveals lived experiences, assigning meaning and lessons to each of them.

Drawing inspiration from Plato’s philosophies, Scott presents a unique framework for finding meaning in your life’s journey. With a professional yet conversational tone, Code of Conduct captivates readers with astute observations and practical advice offering actionable steps for personal growth and guidance.

Whether you're a seasoned executive, an aspiring leader, or a young person looking for direction, this book serves as a trusted companion.

The endorsements for Code of Conduct reflect its universal appeal and value:

  • Jack Nicklaus, the greatest champion in golf history; Individual Male Athlete of the Century by Sports Illustrated; one of the 10 Greatest Athletes of the Century by ESPN
  • Jerry Greenwald, former Chairman & CEO United Airlines
  • Monica Seles, 9x Major Singles Tennis Champion
  • Bill Perez, Former CEO Nike, Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co & S.C. Johnson & Son
  • Wolfgang Schüssel, Federal Chancellor of Austria 2000 - 2007
  • Kay Koplowitz, Founder, Chairman & CEO USA Networks
  • Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, 9th President of Spelman College and author of widely acclaimed book Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
  • Henry Bienen, 15th President of Northwestern University
  • Sami Inkinen, CEO & Co-founder Virta Health, Co-Founder Trulia.com, Elite endurance athlete with Ocean Row world-record
  • Capt. Jeff Frient, U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighter Pilot (Gulf War)
  • Alex Ferreira, Olympic Medalist & X Games Champion
  • Sara Fagen, White House Political Director
  • Dave Bacon, Senior Quantum Physicist, Google
  • Trevor Bezdek, Co-Founder & Chairman GoodRx
  • Nick Grayston, CEO The Warehouse Group

The author has committed 100% of royalties from the sale of this book to charitable organizations.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 228mm
Lunghezza: 152mm
Autore: Scott Freidheim
Genere: Society & Culture
Soggetto: Personal Development
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024

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