STATE MEDAL, 1997/5757

The 15th Maccabiah Games took place in Israel in July 1997, with the participation of thousands of Jewish athletes from 50 countries around the world. The Maccabiah is the largest Jewish sporting event in the world. The first Maccabi Association was established in 1895 in Constantinople, Turkey and in 1921 the “Maccabi World Union” was designated as the official name of the Jewish sport association. The first Maccabiah Games took place in 1932 in the Land of Israel (Palestine), in Tel Aviv, and have continued since the establishment of the State of Israel. The goal of the Maccabiah has always been to enable Jewish athletes from throughout the Diaspora to meet together in Israel. The number of athletes with outstanding records of achievement has grown with each successive Maccabiah Games, and their sense of belonging to the Jewish People and to Israel is strengthened each time they come. Some even decide to "make Aliyah".

Obverse: The logo of the Maccabiah, a stylized Star of David creating the number “15” in Roman numerals XV, within a circle, the words “15th Maccabiah Israel 1997”, in Hebrew and English. The Maccabiah logo is minted on a lined background creating the symbol of the Menorah. The three most significant years in the history of the Maccabiah Games are inscribed along the right branch of the Menorah: 1895 ∙ 1921 ∙ 1932.

Reverse: A Menorah with the Maccabiah torch burning on top, in the center of a Star of David and, around the Star of David, six different branches of sports from the Maccabiah Games.

Designer: Obverse Design: Yaacov Enyedi Reverse Design: Nathan Karp

Engraving: Kretschmer

Mint: Gold Silver and Coppernickel - the Government Mint, Israel Bronze – Kretschmer and Sons, Jerusalem

* The images of the products are for illustration purposes only. Please note that some older items may have slight imperfections due to the natural aging of the metal.