benefits leaves ketapang for fish or shrimp

These leaves are often believed to have various benefits for betta fish.

Many people also claim that these leaves have various extraordinary benefits for the growth and health of betta fish.

So, here are some of the benefits of ketapa leaves for cupa fish.

1. Make More Fish


Experts suspect that ketapang leaves have anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. With these properties, ketapang leaves can keep the water free from pathogens, producing healthier and stronger fish.

Because, there are several diseases that pet fish are susceptible to. Check out what these diseases are in the article: These are 5 Diseases that Pet Fish Are Susceptible to.

What's more, some breeders believe that these leaves can make it easier for fish to spawn.

2. Improve water quality

Ketapang leaves for bettas are also useful in improving water quality. This is evident in a study published in Biosaintifika Journal of Biology & Biology Education in 2016.

Because, these leaves contain a lot of hydrolyzed tannins, namely terflavin A, terflavin B, tergallagin, tercatin, punicalin, punicalagin, che-bulagic acid, geraniin, granatin B, and corilagin.

So, when the betta owner puts these leaves into the aquarium water, the leaves will slowly become damaged. In this process, these leaves will release tannic acid, tannins and other important substances into the water in the aquarium.

When tannic acid is released, the pH of the water in the aquarium will decrease so that it is more suitable and ideal for the conditions of betta fish. Because tap water may not suit the ideal conditions of your pet betta.

Interestingly, ketapang leaves can also change the color of the water in the aquarium. Well, changing the color of the water can reduce stress on the fish, because the betta fish feels like they are in their habitat.

However, what causes pet fish to be stressed? Check out the information in the article: These are 5 Causes of Stress in Pet Fish.

3. Overcoming skin 

The next benefit of ketapang leaves is as a natural medicine to treat skin problems. Many aquarists believe that these leaves are useful for treating diseases or injuries to the skin or scales of fish.

Because, aquarists suspect that the tannins that ketapang releases can kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. Apart from that, this compound also allows injured fish to heal more quickly.

In fact, it is said that these leaves are better than antibiotics and other drugs, when fighting bacteria and fungi in commercial fish farms.

4. Location for laying eggs

Another benefit of ketapang leaves is as a place for betta fish to release their eggs. Basically, many fish release their eggs on or under fallen leaves. This helps hide their eggs from predators or disappear.

These leaves also have benefits for spawning. Because many fish will only spawn in certain water conditions.

Well, a decrease in pH and water hardness affects the properties of ketapang leaves, perhaps a condition that betta fish need to lay eggs.

So, those are some of the benefits of ketapang leaves for betta fish. So, are you interested in using these leaves and getting the benefits?