The iconic Swift Sport King model was one of their longest running names along with the Triton, a standard width 7x,35 of equally high quality. Many of us who adore and collect Vin Bins consider the eleven degree model offered here as the bench mark for BK-7 loaded extra wide angle

They began as ten degree binos and morphed into eleven degree ones around 1960, as best I can tell, the same year the Japanese adopted the JB/JE # scheme to designate manufacturers of both the entire optic as well as who cast the chassis, respectively.

Somewhere in the 1980s the widest iteration at 630' @ 1000yds (JB-56) appeared before ending its life back as a much more compact ten degree model with Bak-4 high index prisms, also produced by Hiyoshi, JB-56. Why they decided to bounce from the twelve degree model back to ten, but with Bak-4s, is anyone's guess. Was the twelve loaded with BK-7s? Perhaps the archived threads about such Vin Bins on the Cloudy Nights website (from which I was banned for LIFE) can yield an answer.

This set was made in 1962, per the serial number printed on the right prism cover. Can't think of a nicer gift for a guy or gal born that year! Though others would also appreciate a great wide angle bino, too, regardless of their birth year.

While out for the usual much needed wipe down to rid them of decades of built up film, we also chose to blacken both sides of all four prisms. The design eschews the typical brass covers over the bottom, or forward, prisms since they are well tucked in. However, such blackening certainly doesn't hurt and may just help dampen, or block, any incoming stray light.

The entire interior was also wiped down as well as the interior surfaces of the objective and ocular lenses. We also lubed the focus controls for far easier manipulation. Too, the rather stiff center hinge was lubed so that one doesn't have to sprain wrists adjusting it to fit your own interpupillary distance. Finally, those screw down metal eye cups were freed up and lubed so that they now work as they should. Most come frozen, or nearly so, and require special techniques to work on correctly. Our own set in a collection of some 70+ old binos has old teeth marks around the circumference from the misuse of a pliers to loosen a stuck cup. Use a spanner wrench!

Views are now stunningly wide, crisp and clear. The sheer WOW! factor of this set is off the charts and its greatest selling point. Folks literally gush, "OMG!" and "WOW!" whenever they take up our offer to peek through a vintage wide angle bino when we are selling at local flea markets. They usually end up buying thereafter. One local artist from Beacon, NY, an eclectic little Hudson Valley town on the banks of the historic river, never fails to thank us for his Sport King we sold him one summer day. He always comments on its "awesome 3D views."

Besides getting what is most likely the clearest, easiest to use Sport King listed here for sale, it also comes with its case in good shape and original cardboard display box in ridiculously great vintage shape with really colorful photos of a football game  printed front and back. As we all know from watching The Antique Road Show, original boxes are highly desirable and add collector value.

Bino came with a set of logo embossed objective lens caps. Finding replacement ones for the oculars can be tricky, but they are available for those with patience. Meanwhile we will endeavor to cobble up an up-cycled set for use when they are left out on a shelf. The ocular caps will help keep dust off remarkably scratch free lenses. The objectives are in similar great condition! See pics.

Case is missing its leather strap but the optic has a strong black vinyl one held on with those strong brite metal barbell keepers, all original. We would personally shorten the strap a few inches so that the optic rides higher on the chest, but will leave such a choice to the new owner. Ask if you like us to modify it at no cost. Such lessens the chance of bin bashing swings when bending over and makes carrying the bino in a car easier.

The asked for price reflects about three hours of labor on our part as well as the unique opportunity to own an early complete package as when it was made over 60 years ago!

Satisfaction or request a return and cheerful refund within three days of receipt, please.

Meanwhile, the ongoing tragedy in Gaza continues with your $upport. Write and call Genocide Joe and your congressmen and senators! We must halt our unconditional support of the criminal regime of Bibi the Butcher and his racist henchmen.