Mystery Party Game. Host a Dinner Party with a Case to Solve including Passion, Death, Betrayal and Plenty of Laughs. From University Games.

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The Diamonds, The Dagger & One Classy Dame - Murder Mystery Dinner Party (10-12 players)

Everyone's a suspect when murder is on the menu. And with a Classic Detective Murder Mystery, you have everything you need to serve up a perfect murder dinner party. First the invites, you choose which of your friends play which devious suspect and invite them to come along as that character.  

Then the shopping list, menu suggestions and recipes. Plus of course ..... a delicious murder to solve. We guarantee that it will be drop-dead fun and that by the end of the evening at least one of your 'friends' will be caught out as the murderer.

This is the sequel to 'THE BRIE, THE BULLET AND THE BLACK CAT'.  Whilst being a sequel 'THE DIAMONDS, THE DAGGER AND ONE CLASSY DAME' plays perfectly as a stand-alone game.

Casablanca October 1942. An oasis of peace in a world at war. Civilians, combatants and refugees of all nationalities live together in a state of tense suspicion. But not even Casablanca is immune to personal tragedy. Last night the Mayor of Casablanca was murdered in his own home. And now the killer is coming to dinner.

The anticipation, mystery and excitement begin before guests have even arrived as each of the guests, or suspects, will receive their invite and suggestions for suitable dress. This all starts to set the scene for the forthcoming crime - and by the end of the evening, one or more of the guests will be exposed as a killer!

The Suspects are:

HUGHES LE GRANDEBUTTE - Deputy Mayor of Casablanca.

EDITH LE GRANDEBUTTE - his wife -a former dancer.

NICOLE LE GRANDEBUTTE - their daughter.

COUNTESS BOGOV - an exiled Russian aristocrat.

INGRID PITH - a Danish art dealer.

COLONEL OTTO VON PINKLEWURST - a Gestapo officer, fanatical and possibly mad.

LIEUTENANT KURT VON STORHM - the loyal sidekick to Von Pinkelwurst

NELLI DESMOND- one of the great stars of Hollywood, now slightly faded


KITTY GLENGORMLESS - the wayward and difficult daughter of Lord Glengormless

JIM BRADLEY - An American journalist

DAUPHIN FRANCIOS FRANCOPHILE - the rightful heir to the French throne, if only it still existed


Party Planner with game rules, recipes, music and decorating tips

Character booklets, including their roles, background information and a few tasty secrets

A place card for each character

Party invitations and envelopes for each character

Six secret clues

Link to Download audio files to be played- with an introduction, scene setter, summary of events and solution to the crime