10 Draco Dragon Tree Seeds (Dracaena draco) Free Shipping USA Seller
Grow Zones: 9,10,11
Other Names: Canary Islands Dragon Tree, Dragon Blood

A beautiful and unique subtropical/tropical climate succulent tree. An ancient and exotic find, this evergreen is native to the Canary Islands!

Draco Dragon Trees, also known as "Dragon Trees," are a unique and exotic species of plant that are native to the Canary Islands. They are known for their striking, sculptural appearance and their ability to thrive in a wide range of conditions.

One of the most striking features of Draco Dragon Trees is their thick, fleshy leaves that grow in a spiral pattern around the trunk. These leaves are a deep green color and can grow up to 3 feet long. The tree can grow up to 25 feet tall and wide. Even still, it can also planted as a houseplant indoors and can be potted (this will reduce it's height).

Grows in chalk clay loam or sand. It is hard to find in nurseries.

Features: Green and white flowers in the summer and orange berries to follow.

Germination Procedure: Firstly, knick the seed coating with a knife or sand it down with sandpaper. Next, soak seeds in water for 48 hours. Next place seeds on top of moist soil and lightly cover with more soil without fully burying them. Seeds will germinate in soil temperature ranges from 70-80 degrees. Germination time is erratic. Tip: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Once germinated, the seedlings can be transplanted into a larger container or into a garden bed.

How to Care for Dragon Trees

When it comes to caring for your Draco Dragon Tree, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, these plants are very drought-tolerant and do not require a lot of water. In fact, over-watering can be a common problem for dragon tree owners, as this can lead to root rot.

It is best to water your tree only when the soil is completely dry to the touch, and to always be sure that the soil is well-draining. In addition, Draco Dragon Trees prefer bright, indirect light and should be protected from direct sunlight and strong winds.

Another important aspect of caring for your Draco Dragon Tree is fertilizing. These trees prefer a well-draining, sandy soil that is rich in organic matter. They also need a balanced fertilizer applied every month during the growing season.