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Virgil and his Translators

by Susanna Braund, Zara Martirosova Torlone

Transcending traditional studies of single translations or particular translation traditions in isolation, this is the first volume to offer a critical overview of Virgil's influence on later literature through the translation history of his poems, from the early modern period to the present day, and throughout Europe and beyond.

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Publisher Description

This is the first volume to offer a critical overview of the long and complicated history of translations of Virgil from the early modern period to the present day, transcending traditional studies of single translations or particular national traditions in isolation to offer an insightful comparative perspective. The twenty-nine essays in the collection cover numerous European languages - from English, French, and German, to Greek, Irish, Italian, Norwegian,Slovenian, and Spanish - but also look well beyond Europe to include discussion of Brazilian, Chinese, Esperanto, Russian, and Turkish translations of Virgil. While the opening two contributions lay down abroad theoretical and comparative framework, the majority conduct comparisons within a particular language and combine detailed case studies with in-depth contextualization and theoretical background, showing how the translations discussed are embedded in their own cultures and historical moments. The final two essays are written from the perspective of contemporary translators, closing out the volume with a profound assessment not only of the influence exerted by the major Roman poet on laterliterature, but also why translation of a canonical author such as Virgil matters, not only as a national and transnational cultural phenomenon, but as a personal engagement with a literature ofenduring power and relevance.

Author Biography

Susanna Braund moved to the University of British Columbia in 2007 to take up a Canada Research Chair in Latin Poetry and its Reception after teaching previously at Stanford, Yale, London, Bristol, and Exeter. She received her BA and PhD from the University of Cambridge. She has published extensively on Roman satire, Latin epic poetry, and the passions in Roman thought, and has translated Lucan for the Oxford World's Classics series, Persius and Juvenal for theLoeb Classical Library, and also three of Seneca's tragedies. She was a Visiting Scholar at the Collège de France in 2014 and won a Killam Research Fellowship in the 2016 national competition for herproject 'Virgil Translated'. Zara Martirosova Torlone is a Professor in the Department of Classics at Miami University, Ohio. She received her BA in Classical Philology from Moscow University and her PhD in Classics from Columbia University. She is the author of Russia and the Classics: Poetry's Foreign Muse (Duckworth, 2009), Latin Love Poetry (co-authored with Denise McCoskey; I.B. Tauris, 2014), and Vergil in Russia: National Identity and Classical Reception (OUP,2015), as well as articles on Roman poetry and the novel, the Russian reception of antiquity, Roman games, and textual criticism. Her most recent publication is the co-edited volume A Handbook to Classical Reception in Easternand Central Europe (with Dana LaCourse Munteanu and Dorota Dutsch; Wiley-Blackwell, 2017), to which she also contributed.

Table of Contents

0: Susanna Braund and Zara Martirosova Torlone: Introduction. The Translation History of Virgil: The Elevator VersionPart 1: Virgil Translation as Cultural and Ideological Capital1: Craig Kallendorf: Successes and Failures in Virgilian Translation2: Richard Armstrong: Dante's Influence on Virgil: Italian Volgarizzamenti and Enrique de Villena's Eneida of 14283: Stephen Rupp: Epic and the Lexicon of Violence: Gregorio Hernández de Velasco's Translation of Aeneid 2 and Cervantes's Numancia4: Alison Keith: Love and War: Translations of Aeneid 7 into English (From Caxton to Today)5: Gordon Braden: The Passion of Dido: Aeneid 4 in English Translation to 17006: Fiona Cox: An Amazon in the Renaissance: Marie de Gournay's Translation of Aeneid 27: Susanna Braund: Virgil after Vietnam8: Geoffrey Greatrex: Translations of Virgil into Esperanto9: Michael Paschalis: Translations of Virgil into Ancient Greek10: Sophia Papaioannou: Sing it Like Homer: Evgenios Voulgaris' Translation of the Aeneid11: Marko Marincic: Farming for the Few: Jozef Subic's Georgics and the Early Slovenian Reception of Virgil12: Ekin Öyken and Çi&gdem Dürü,sken: Reviving Virgil in Turkish13: Mathilde Skoie: Finding a Pastoral Idiom: Norwegian Translations of Virgil's Eclogues and the Politics of Language14: Séverine Clément-Tarantino: The Aeneid and 'Les Belles Lettres': Virgil's Epic in French between Fiction and Philology, from Veyne back to Perret15: Jinyu Liu: Virgil in ChinaPart 2: Poets as Translators of Virgil: Cultural Competition, Appropriation, and Identification16: Richard F. Thomas: Domesticating Aesthetic Effects: Virgilian Case Studies17: Hélène Gautier: The Translation of Books Four and Six of Du Bellay's Aeneid: Rewriting as Poetic Reinvention?18: Stephen Scully: Aesthetic and Political Concerns in Dryden's Aeneis19: Marco Romani Mistretta: Translation Theory into Practice: Jacques Delille's Géorgiques de Virgile20: Giampiero Scafoglio: 'Only a poet can translate true poetry': The Translation of Aeneid 2 by Giacomo Leopardi21: Philip Hardie: Wordsworth's Translation of Aeneid 1 3 and the Earlier Tradition of English Translations of Virgil22: Zara Martirosova Torlone: Epic Failures: Vasilii Zhukovskii's 'Destruction of Troy' and Russian Translations of the Aeneid23: Paulo Sérgio de Vasconcellos: Virgílio Brasileiro: A Brazilian Virgil in the Nineteenth Century24: Ulrich Eigler: Between Voß and Schröder: German Translations of Virgil's Aeneid25: Jacqueline Fabre-Serris: Reflections on Two Verse Translations of the Eclogues in the Twentieth Century: Paul Valéry and Marcel Pagnol26: Ulrich Eigler: 'Come tradurre?': Pier Paolo Pasolini and the Tradition of Italian Translations of Virgil's Aeneid27: Cillian O'Hogan: Irish Versions of Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics28: Alessandro Fo: Cutting our Losses: A Translator's Journey through the Aeneid29: Josephine Balmer: Afterword. Let Go Fear: Future VirgilsEndmatterBibliographyNotes on ContributorsIndex


this lucid and entertaining collection will serve as a helpful introduction to the complex ideological phenomena which motivate the translation of classical texts. * George Brocklehurst, International Journal of the Classical Tradition *
This lively and thoughtful collection, a long overdue contribution to Virgilian studies, applies the ideological hermeneutics pioneered by Theodore Ziolkowski in Virgil and the Moderns (1993), emphasizing the complex aesthetic, moral and political concerns involved in translating the 'classic of all Europe'. * George Brocklehurst, International Journal of the Classical Tradition *
This substantial volume will appeal to all Virgilians and reception studies scholars, evidencing as it does the many and varied permutations of three ancient source texts, and setting a new standard for breadth and depth in comparative surveys. The volume is also of use to students or those unfamiliar with any of the many languages treated: all quotations are translated, and a comprehensive bibliography is appended to the essays. * Holly Rangers, Institute of Classical Studies, Bryn Mawr Classical Review *
Every chapter of the book contains data and observations that will doubtless be of interest to specialist scholars of particular European and Asian languages. * David Hopkins, University of Bristol, Translation and Literature *
Braund and Torlone have produced an international tribute to Virgil, a polyglot paean for the considerable effort expended through the ages on the transmission of the poet's limpid hexameters into a dizzying array of vernaculars. A testament to the success of the arduous endeavor is the urge the individual chapters engender both to search out familiar chestnuts of Virgilian translation for reexamination, and to explore unknown versions (and indeed unfamiliar languages). If Virgil is the premiere Roman poet, this book ably illustrates the widespread influence and enduring power and charm of his works. * Lee Fratantuo, CJOnline *
Braund and Torlone have produced an international tribute to Virgil, a polyglot paean for the considerable effort expended through the ages on the transmission of the poet's limpid hexameters into a dizzying array of vernaculars. A testament to the success of the arduous endeavor is the urge the individual chapters engender both to search out familiar chestnuts of Virgilian translation for reexamination, and to explore unknown versions (and indeed unfamiliar languages) ... This is one of the most valuable Virgilian titles of its year. It deserves to be on the shelves of all libraries that service a classics curriculum, and in the personal collections of Virgilians and devotees of classical verse. * Lee Fratantuono, Classical Journal Online *
Virgil and his Translators needs no conceptual justification. It is a hugely rewarding collection of essays, full of analysis, perception and insights into the translation of Virgil over the ages. * Stuart Lyons, Classics for all *

Long Description

This is the first volume to offer a critical overview of the long and complicated history of translations of Virgil from the early modern period to the present day, transcending traditional studies of single translations or particular national traditions in isolation to offer an insightful comparative perspective. The twenty-nine essays in the collection cover numerous European languages - from English, French, and German, to Greek, Irish, Italian, Norwegian,Slovenian, and Spanish - but also look well beyond Europe to include discussion of Brazilian, Chinese, Esperanto, Russian, and Turkish translations of Virgil. While the opening two contributions lay down a broad theoretical and comparative framework, the majority conduct comparisons within a particularlanguage and combine detailed case studies with in-depth contextualization and theoretical background, showing how the translations discussed are embedded in their own cultures and historical moments. The final two essays are written from the perspective of contemporary translators, closing out the volume with a profound assessment not only of the influence exerted by the major Roman poet on later literature, but also why translation of a canonical author such as Virgil matters, not only as anational and transnational cultural phenomenon, but as a personal engagement with a literature of enduring power and relevance.

Review Quote

"Virgil and his Translators needs no conceptual justification. It is a hugely rewarding collection of essays, full of analysis, perception and insights into the translation of Virgil over the ages." -- Stuart Lyons, Classics for all


The first volume to offer an insightful comparative perspective on the broad field of translations of Virgil, transcending narrower studies of single translations or particular translation traditions considered in isolationCollects together twenty-nine essays covering a wide historical period and geographical range into a volume of uniquely expansive scopeDraws on a robust comparative and theoretical framework, setting individual case studies in a wider contextArranges papers in careful thematic groupings to allow readers to make connections between translation traditions and contexts, revealing the bigger picture at play in poetic receptions of Virgil

New Feature

0. Introduction. The Translation History of Virgil: The Elevator Version, Susanna Braund and Zara Martirosova Torlone Part 1: Virgil Translation as Cultural and Ideological Capital 1. Successes and Failures in Virgilian Translation, Craig Kallendorf 2. Dante's Influence on Virgil: Italian Volgarizzamenti and Enrique de Villena's Eneida of 1428, Richard Armstrong 3. Epic and the Lexicon of Violence: Gregorio Hernandez de Velasco's Translation of Aeneid 2 and Cervantes's Numancia, Stephen Rupp 4. Love and War: Translations of Aeneid 7 into English (From Caxton to Today), Alison Keith 5. The Passion of Dido: Aeneid 4 in English Translation to 1700, Gordon Braden 6. An Amazon in the Renaissance: Marie de Gournay's Translation of Aeneid 2, Fiona Cox 7. Virgil after Vietnam, Susanna Braund 8. Translations of Virgil into Esperanto, Geoffrey Greatrex 9. Translations of Virgil into Ancient Greek, Michael Paschalis 10. Sing it Like Homer: Evgenios Voulgaris' Translation of the Aeneid, Sophia Papaioannou 11. Farming for the Few: Jozef Subic's Georgics and the Early Slovenian Reception of Virgil, Marko Marincic 12. Reviving Virgil in Turkish, Cigdem Durusken and Ekin Oyken 13. Finding a Pastoral Idiom: Norwegian Translations of Virgil's Eclogues and the Politics of Language, Mathilde Skoie 14. The Aeneid and 'Les Belles Lettres': Virgil's Epic in French between Fiction and Philology, from Veyne back to Perret, Severine Clement-Tarantino 15. Virgil in China, Jinyu Liu Part 2: Poets as Translators of Virgil: Cultural Competition, Appropriation, and Identification 16. Domesticating Aesthetic Effects: Virgilian Case Studies, Richard F. Thomas 17. The Translation of Books Four and Six of Du Bellay's Aeneid: Rewriting as Poetic Reinvention?, Helene Gautier 18. Aesthetic and Political Concerns in Dryden's Aeneis, Stephen Scully 19. Translation Theory into Practice: Jacques Delille's Georgiques de Virgile, Marco Romani Mistretta 20. 'Only a poet can translate true poetry': The Translation of Aeneid 2 by Giacomo Leopardi, Giampiero Scafoglio 21. Wordsworth's Translation of Aeneid 1 3 and the Earlier Tradition of English Translations of Virgil, Philip Hardie 22. Epic Failures: Vasilii Zhukovskii's 'Destruction of Troy' and Russian Translations of the Aeneid, Zara Martirosova Torlone 23. Virgilio Brasileiro: A Brazilian Virgil in the Nineteenth Century, Paulo Sergio de Vasconcellos 24. Between Voss and Schroder: German Translations of Virgil's Aeneid, Ulrich Eigler 25. Reflections on Two Verse Translations of the Eclogues in the Twentieth Century: Paul Valery and Marcel Pagnol, Jacqueline Fabre-Serris 26. 'Come tradurre?': Pier Paolo Pasolini and the Tradition of Italian Translations of Virgil's Aeneid, Ulrich Eigler 27. Irish Versions of Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics, Cillian O'Hogan 28. Cutting our Losses: A Translator's Journey through the Aeneid, Alessandro Fo 29. Afterword. Let Go Fear: Future Virgils, Josephine Balmer Endmatter Bibliography Notes on Contributors Index


Publisher Oxford University Press
Series Classical Presences
Year 2018
ISBN-10 0198810814
ISBN-13 9780198810810
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 2018-10-04
Imprint Oxford University Press
Place of Publication Oxford
Country of Publication United Kingdom
Edited by Zara Martirosova Torlone
DEWEY 871.01
Position Professor of Classics
Affiliation Professor of Classics, Miami University, Ohio
Language English
Author Zara Martirosova Torlone
UK Release Date 2018-10-04
AU Release Date 2018-10-04
NZ Release Date 2018-10-04
Pages 532
Birth 1900
Death 1979
Qualifications MD
Audience Tertiary & Higher Education
