Hardwiring Happiness Volume 2: Rick Hanson [New DVD]

Title: Hardwiring Happiness Volume 2: Rick Hanson

Format: DVD

Label: Dreamscape

Genre: Health & Fitness

UPC: 810071447808

Release Date: 2024

Full of super-practical, easy-to-use methods and guided practices to grow a steady well-being, self-worth, and inner peace, this workshop has special sections on children, motivation, relationships, trauma, and spiritual practice. The program also covers managing the Stone Age brain for life in the 21st century. It tells you how to take in experiences of your core needs being met so that you gradually leave the "red zone" of fight-flight-freeze stress and get centered in the brain's "green zone" in which you feel an ongoing ease, fulfillment, and love-even while you deal with life's challenges

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