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Experience-Driven Leader Development

by Cynthia D. McCauley, D. Scott Derue, Paul R. Yost, Sylvester Taylor

This book is written for human resource, organization development, and training professionals who need real-world best practices that show who actual workplace learning approaches work and how they can be applied.

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Publisher Description

This book is written for human resource, organization development, and training professionals who need real-world best practices that show who actual workplace learning approaches work and how they can be applied. Co-published with the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, this important book offers a compendium of best practices, tools, techniques, processes, and other resource resources to harness the developmental power of work experiences for leadership development. In addition the book includes illustrative case studies of leadership approached that have worked in such forward thinking organizations as Boeing, Microsoft, and Heineken.

Back Cover

Experience-Driven Leader Development offers a wealth of best practices that clearly demonstrate how organizations can use on-the-job experiences to enhance their leadership talent. Co-published with the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, this important book includes the tools, techniques, processes, and other practical resources that can help professionals tap into the developmental power of work experiences. Edited by Cynthia McCauley, Scott DeRue, Paul Yost, and Sylvester Taylor--all experts in leadership development-- Experience-Driven Leader Development is written for practitioners by practitioners with contributions from such


Experience-Driven Leader Development offers a wealth of best practices that clearly demonstrate how organizations can use on-the-job experiences to enhance their leadership talent. Co-published with the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, this important book includes the tools, techniques, processes, and other practical resources that can help professionals tap into the developmental power of work experiences. Edited by Cynthia McCauley, Scott DeRue, Paul Yost, and Sylvester Taylor--all experts in leadership development-- Experience-Driven Leader Development is written for practitioners by practitioners with contributions from such

Author Biography

Cynthia McCauley is a senior fellow at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina. She is co-editor of The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Leadership Development and has been an active contributor for many years to the field of on-the-job leader development. Scott DeRue is a management professor and director of the leadership initiative at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. Reported by CNN/Money to be one of the top forty business school professors under the age of forty, DeRue conducts research and teaches in the areas of leadership and team development. Paul Yost is an associate professor of industrial-organizational psychology at Seattle Pacific University and principle and founder of Yost & Associates, Inc. He has worked at Microsoft, Boeing, GEICO, and Battelle Research in a variety of roles, including executive assessment, leadership development, and human resource research. Sylvester Taylor is a director in the Research, Innovation, and Product Development Group at the Center for Creative Leadership. He has more than twenty years of experience researching, designing, and implementing leadership development initiatives, primarily helping organizations gain value from organizational and multi-rater feedback.

Table of Contents

List of Exhibits, Figures, and Tables xiii Foreword xix Acknowledgments xxiii Introduction xxv Section 1. Developmental Experiences: More Intentional for More People 1 Section Introduction 3 Equipping Employees to Pursue Developmental Experiences 7 1 Intensity and Stretch: The Drivers of On-the-Job Development 7
Mark Kizilos (Experience-Based Development Associates, LLC) 2 A Leadership Experience Framework 15
Paul Van Katwyk, Joy Hazucha, and Maynard Goff (Korn/Ferry International) 3 Identifying Development-in-Place Opportunities 21
Cynthia McCauley (Center for Creative Leadership) 4 Leadership Maps: Identifying Developmental Experiences in Any Organization 25
Paul Yost (Seattle Pacific University) and Joy Hereford (Yost & Associates, Inc.) 5 Building Organization-Specific Knowledge About Key Developmental Experiences 37
Paul R. Bly (Thomson Reuters) and Mark Kizilos (Experience-Based Development Associates, LLC) 6 Expression of Interest: Making Sought-After Roles Visible 45
Tanya Boyd (Payless Holdings, Inc.) 7 Designing Part-Time Cross-Functional Experiences 49
Nisha Advani (Genentech, a member of the Roche Group) 8 Creating Project Marketplaces 55
Cynthia McCauley (Center for Creative Leadership) Leveraging Existing Experiences for Learning 57 9 Leveraging the Developmental Power of Core Organizational Work 57
Patricia M.G. O'Connor (Wesfarmers) 10 Learning Transferable Skills Through Event Planning 65
Kenna Cottrill and Kim Hayashi (Leadership Inspirations) 11 Pinpointing: Matching Job Assignments to Employees 69
Jeffrey J. McHenry (Rainier Leadership Solutions) 12 Learning from Personal Life Experiences 77
Marian N. Ruderman and Patricia J. Ohlott (Center for Creative Leadership) Creating New Developmental Experience 81 13 Strategic Corporate Assignments to Develop Emerging Market Leaders 81
Anita Bhasin (Sage Ways, Inc.), Lori Homer (Microsoft), and Eric Rait (Honeycomb Development) 14 Full-Time Strategic Projects for High Potentials 87
Paul Orleman (SAP) 15 A Personalized Rotation Program to Develop Future Leaders 93
Bela Tisoczki and Laurie Bevier (General Electric) 16 Corporate Volunteerism as an Avenue for Leader Development 99
Shannon M. Wallis (Arrow Leadership Strategies) and Jeffrey J. McHenry (Rainier Leadership Solutions) 17 Developing Socially Responsible Global Leaders Through Service Projects 107
Mathian Osicki and Caroline Smee (IBM) 18 Stretch Assignments to Develop First-Time Supervisors 113
Sally A. Allison and Marsha Green (Duke University)

19 Executive Shadowing 119
Ritesh Daryani (Expedia, Inc.) 20 Leadership Fitness Challenge: Daily Exercise of the Leadership Muscle 123
Laura Ann Preston-Dayne (Kelly Services, Inc.) 21 Using a Video-Case-Based Collaborative Approach in Leader Development 129
Nate Allen (U.S. Army, National Defense University) 22 Cross-Company Consortiums: Tackling Business Challenges and Developing Leaders Together 133
Yury Boshyk (The Global Executive Learning Network) Section 2. Leaders: Better Equipped to Learn from Experience 141 Section Introduction 143 Organizing Frameworks 145 23 Mindful Engagement: Learning to Learn from Experience 145
D. Scott DeRue and Susan J. Ashford (University of Michigan) 24 PARR: A Learning Model for Managers 151
Laura Ann Preston-Dayne (Kelly Services, Inc.) 25 GPS•R: A Tool for Assessing Learning Readiness 157
Paul Yost, Hillary Roche, and Jillian McLellan (Seattle Pacific University) Learning Strategies and Tactics 165 26 Asking Questions to Foster Learning from Experience 165
Sally Beddor Nowak (Agilent Technology) 27 Using the Classroom to Create a Learning Orientation 169
Lori Homer (Microsoft) and Anita Bhasin (Sage Ways, Inc.) 28 Establishing a Learning Mindset 177
Kelly A. Bunker (Making Experience Matter) 29 Tactics for Learning from Experience 181
Maxine Dalton 30 Narrating Emotions to Enhance Learning 187
Shirli Kopelman (University of Michigan) and Ilan Gewurz (Proment Corporation) 31 Proactive Feedback Seeking: The Power of Seeing Yourself as Others See You 195
Susan J. Ashford (University of Michigan) 32 Feedback: Who, When, and How to Ask 203
Sylvester Taylor (Center for Creative Leadership) 33 Micro-Feedback: A Tool for Real-Time Learning 207
Tanya Boyd (Payless Holdings, Inc.) Reflection and Retention 213 34 Leadership Journeys: Intentional Reflection Experiences 213
Nicole L. Dubbs, Andrew K. Mandel, Kristin Ohnstad, and Scott Taylor (Teach For America) 35 After-Event Reviews: How to Structure Reflection Conversations 221
D. Scott DeRue (University of Michigan) 36 Scaffolding Reflection: What, So What, Now What? 229
Claudia Hill (Korn/Ferry International) 37 Life Journeys: Developing for the Future by Looking at the Past 235
Kerry A. Bunker (Making Experience Matter) 38 Strategies for Facilitating Learning from Experience 239
Claudia Hill (Korn/Ferry International) 39 Teachable Point of View: Learning to Lead by Teaching Others 243
Scott McGhee (U.S. Cellular) 40 Implementation Intention: A Refinement to Leadership Development Goal Setting 249
Luke Novelli, Jr. (Leadership Development Resources Global) 41 Twelve Questions for More Strategic Work and Learning 255
Kelly McGill (Expedia, Inc.) Learning Communities and Support 259 42 Building a Board of Learning Advisors 259
Marisa Bossen and Paul Yost (Seattle Pacific University) 43 Building a Learning Community Through Reflection and Experimentation 265
Jennifer Jaramillo (Accenture) and Kristen Schultz (University of Michigan) 44 Using Communities of Practice to Cultivate Leaders of Integrity 273
John R. Terrill (Seattle Pacific University) 45 Company Command: A Peer-to-Peer Learning Forum 279
Nate Allen (U.S. Army, National Defense University) 46 Virtual Roundtables: Using Technology to Build Learning Communities 287
Jonathan Winter (The Career Innovation Group) Section 3. Human Resource Systems: Designed for Experience-Driven Development 293 Section Introduction 295 47 Integrated Talent Management and Experience-Based Development 299
Norm Tonina (Grameen Foundation) Selection and On-Boarding 309

48 Identifying and Assessing for Learning Ability 309
Paul Yost and Jillian McLellan (Seattle Pacific University) 49 On-the-Job Development That Starts on Day One 317
Brad Borland (Kelly Services, Inc.) 50 New Leader Assimilation 321
Tanya Boyd (Payless Holdings, Inc.) 51 Virtual On-Boarding 327
Ritesh Daryani (Expedia, Inc.) Managers as Developers 333 52 Leaders Coaching Leaders: Cascading Leadership Development Through the Organization 333
Robert J. Thomas, Claudy Jules, and Joshua Bellin (Accenture) 53 An Exercise for Managers: Developing Talent Through Assignments 341
Cynthia McCauley (Center for Creative Leadership) 54 Performance and Development Through Conversation 347
Jonathan Winter (The Career Innovation Group) Performance Management 355 55 Performance Management and Leadership Development: Paradox or Potential? 355
Robert McKenna and Robleh Kirce (Seattle Pacific University) 56 Performance Management Catalysts for Experience-Driven Development 363
Paul Yost (Seattle Pacific University) Training, Development, and Beyond 371

57 Training and Experience-Driven Development 371
Paul Yost (Seattle Pacific University) 58 Bringing the Real World into the Classroom 375
Elaine Biech (ebb associates inc) 59 Cultivating Learning Agility: Lessons from the Microfinance Sector 381
Lyndon Rego (Center for Creative Leadership), Vandana Viswanathan (CoCoon), and Peg Ross (PCI) 60 HoTspots (HubsoTraining): A Blended Group Learning Solution to Extend Traditional Training 389
Eric Berg (LINGOs) 61 Building Experience into Simulations 397
James Chisholm, Greg Warman, and Andrew Webster (ExperiencePoint) 62 Mentoring: Building Leaders in Powerful Developmental Relationships 405
Dana Kendall (Seattle Pacific University) Action Learning 413

63 Business Driven Action Learning 413
Yury Boshyk (The Global Executive Learning Network) 64 Action Learning with Community-Based Nonprofits 423
Lynn Fick-Cooper and Shera Clark (Center for Creative Leadership) 65 Better Together: Building Learning Communities Across Organizations 433
Jan Wilmott (Royal Bank of Canada) 66 Communities of Practice: Building and Sustaining Global Learning Communities 441
Yury Boshyk (The Global Executive Learning Network) Succession Management 445 67 Succession Planning: Developing General Managers Through Experience 445
Mary M. Plunkett 68 Building Breadth and Depth Through Experience 451
Jennifer Kennedy Marchi (Sonos, Inc.) 69 Profiles for Success: Building a Framework for Internal Transitions 459
Tanya Boyd (Payless Holding, Inc.) 70 Hot Jobs-Hot People: Sharing Leadership Talent Across Organizations 463
Jeffrey J. McHenry (Rainier Leadership Solutions) 71 Multicultural Women in the Pipeline: Finding Hidden Treasure 473
Ella L.J. Edmondson Bell (Tuck School of Business and ASCENT–Leading Multicultural Women to the Top) Section 4. The Organization: Enabler of Experience-Driven Development 479 Section Introduction 481 Frameworks for Assessing Organizations 483 72 Organizational Climate for Development 483
Cynthia McCauley (Center for Creative Leadership) 73 Creating the "and" Organization: Seeing Leadership Development as a Key Strategic Issue 487
Stephen R. Mercer (SRM Consulting, Ltd.) Designing Tools for Widespread Use 493

74 Leading from Where You Are 493
Paul Yost and Emily Pelosi (Seattle Pacific University) 75 My Needs, Their Needs: Designing High-Value Development Tools 501
Rob McKenna (Seattle Pacific University), Mary M. Plunkett, and Kayode Adeuja (Heineken International) 76 Built to Last: Sustainable On-the-Job Development Interventions for the Entire Organization 509
Paul Yost and Emily Pelosi (Seattle Pacific University), and Sierra Snyder (Slalom Consulting) Influencing Organizational Leaders 515

77 Building Support for Experience-Based Development 515
Brad Borland (Kelly Services, Inc.) 78 The Power of Stories in Leadership Development 519
Paul Yost and Jillian McLellan (Seattle Pacific University) 79 Assessing Learning's Impact on Careers 523
Richard A. Guzzo and Haig R. Nalbantian (Mercer) 80 Teaching Senior Leaders the Dynamics of Derailment 529
Cynthia McCauley and Sylvester Taylor (Center for Creative Leadership) Solutions to Specific Obstacles 535 81 Strengthening Executive Mobility 535
Nora Gardner and Cameron Kennedy (McKinsey & Company) 82 Talent Ecosystems: Building Talent Through Strategic Partnerships 541
D. Scott DeRue (University of Michigan) Conclusion 545 Contributing Authors 551 About the Center for Creative Leadership 563 Index 565 


Praise for Experience-Driven Leader Development

"In my twenty-six years in human resources, I've learned firsthand that our best leaders develop through on-the-job experience. This book provides a valuable framework for leadership thinking and talent development immensely helpful for all of us who work with aspiring leaders."
Jeff Brodsky, Chief Human Resources Officer, Morgan Stanley

"How to best leverage on-the-job experiences for leader development is a challenge for organizations, but clearly one that talent management professionals have tackled in intentional and innovative ways. This book performs the real service of broadly sharing best practices both proven and cutting-edge so that we all can do a better job of using experience to develop leadership talent."
Martha Soehren, Chief Talent Development Officer, Comcast

"Having experienced the power of on-the-job leadership development in my own career, I'm delighted to see the world's best thinking on experiential learning collected in one place. The well-researched and practical wisdom in this book makes it essential for executives and line managers who want to unleash the full potential of their talent pipelines."
O. P. (Om) Bhatt, Chairman (retired), State Bank of India

"As we develop the next generation of leaders, the 'e' in e-Learning must shift to mean 'experience.' This book is a must-read for learning leaders driven to make development sustainable!"
Elliott Masie, Learning CONSORTIUM, The Masie Center

"This compendium on leadership development through experience is comprehensive, practical, and useful. The anthology embodies the latest thinking and practice in building leaders and will help thoughtful scholars and practitioners make more informed choices about leadership development."
Dave Ulrich, Professor, Ross School of Business and Partner, The RBL Group

"If you believe you become an employer of choice by building leaders of choice, this book serves as a field guide rich with thought leadership and practical solutions to help enable your success!"
Nina M. Ramsey, Chief Human Resources Officer, Kelly Services, Inc.

"A collection of A to Z best practices in leader development: selection to job experiences to courses to learning strategies and how they all must work together. This will be the definitive source for leader development for decades to come."
Michael M. Lombardo, Founder, Lominger Limited, Inc., and author, FYI: For Your Improvement and Lessons of Experience

Long Description

Praise for Experience-Driven Leader Development "In my twenty-six years in human resources, I've learned firsthand that our best leaders develop through on-the-job experience. This book provides a valuable framework for leadership thinking and talent development immensely helpful for all of us who work with aspiring leaders." Jeff Brodsky, Chief Human Resources Officer, Morgan Stanley "How to best leverage on-the-job experiences for leader development is a challenge for organizations, but clearly one that talent management professionals have tackled in intentional and innovative ways. This book performs the real service of broadly sharing best practices both proven and cutting-edge so that we all can do a better job of using experience to develop leadership talent." Martha Soehren, Chief Talent Development Officer, Comcast "Having experienced the power of on-the-job leadership development in my own career, I'm delighted to see the world's best thinking on experiential learning collected in one place. The well-researched and practical wisdom in this book makes it essential for executives and line managers who want to unleash the full potential of their talent pipelines." O. P. (Om) Bhatt, Chairman (retired), State Bank of India "As we develop the next generation of leaders, the 'e' in e-Learning must shift to mean 'experience.' This book is a must-read for learning leaders driven to make development sustainable!" Elliott Masie, Learning CONSORTIUM, The Masie Center "This compendium on leadership development through experience is comprehensive, practical, and useful. The anthology embodies the latest thinking and practice in building leaders and will help thoughtful scholars and practitioners make more informed choices about leadership development." Dave Ulrich, Professor, Ross School of Business and Partner, The RBL Group "If you believe you become an employer of choice by building leaders of choice, this book serves as a field guide rich with thought leadership and practical solutions to help enable your success!" Nina M. Ramsey, Chief Human Resources Officer, Kelly Services, Inc. "A collection of A to Z best practices in leader development: selection to job experiences to courses to learning strategies and how they all must work together. This will be the definitive source for leader development for decades to come." Michael M. Lombardo, Founder, Lominger Limited, Inc., and author, FYI: For Your Improvement and Lessons of Experience

Review Text

Praise for Experience-Driven Leader Development "In my twenty-six years in human resources, I've learned firsthand that our best leaders develop through on-the-job experience. This book provides a valuable framework for leadership thinking and talent development—immensely helpful for all of us who work with aspiring leaders."
—Jeff Brodsky, Chief Human Resources Officer, Morgan Stanley "How to best leverage on-the-job experiences for leader development is a challenge for organizations, but clearly one that talent management professionals have tackled in intentional and innovative ways. This book performs the real service of broadly sharing best practices—both proven and cutting-edge—so that we all can do a better job of using experience to develop leadership talent."
—Martha Soehren, Chief Talent Development Officer, Comcast "Having experienced the power of on-the-job leadership development in my own career, I'm delighted to see the world's best thinking on experiential learning collected in one place. The well-researched and practical wisdom in this book makes it essential for executives and line managers who want to unleash the full potential of their talent pipelines."
—O. P. (Om) Bhatt, Chairman (retired), State Bank of India "As we develop the next generation of leaders, the 'e' in e-Learning must shift to mean 'experience.' This book is a must-read for learning leaders driven to make development sustainable!"
—Elliott Masie, Learning CONSORTIUM, The Masie Center "This compendium on leadership development through experience is comprehensive, practical, and useful. The anthology embodies the latest thinking and practice in building leaders and will help thoughtful scholars and practitioners make more informed choices about leadership development."
—Dave Ulrich, Professor, Ross School of Business and Partner, The RBL Group "If you believe you become an employer of choice by building leaders of choice, this book serves as a field guide rich with thought leadership and practical solutions to help enable your success!"
—Nina M. Ramsey, Chief Human Resources Officer, Kelly Services, Inc. "A collection of A to Z best practices in leader development: selection to job experiences to courses to learning strategies and how they all must work together. This will be the definitive source for leader development for decades to come."
—Michael M. Lombardo, Founder, Lominger Limited, Inc., and author, FYI: For Your Improvement and Lessons of Experience


Author Sylvester Taylor
Series J-B CCL (Center for Creative Leadership)
Language English
Edition 3rd
ISBN-10 1118458079
ISBN-13 9781118458075
Media Book
Format Hardcover
Series Number 170
Birth 1958
Affiliation Center for Creative Leadership
Place of Publication New York
Country of Publication United States
DEWEY 658.4092
Illustrations Yes
UK Release Date 2014-01-17
NZ Release Date 2013-11-12
Pages 608
Publisher John Wiley & Sons Inc
Edition Description 3rd edition
Year 2014
Publication Date 2014-01-17
Imprint Jossey-Bass Inc.,U.S.
Subtitle Models, Tools, Best Practices, and Advice for On-the-Job Development
Audience Professional & Vocational
US Release Date 2014-01-17
AU Release Date 2013-11-11
