Ghibli Howl's Moving Castle Fernanda Fragrance Body Splash White Bouquet Floral


The product is "Howl's Moving Castle" only.

FERNANDA, a fragrance brand popular among mature women, has released a new body splash designed for "Howl's Moving Castle"!
The lovely scene of Howl and Sophie smiling at each other on the terrace of Howl's Castle is colored by the flowers blooming in Howl's secret garden.

≪White Bouquet
BLEND: Lily, Rose, Cedarwood
The fresh and elegant floral fragrance of lily and the soothing scent of cedarwood gently overlap each other.

Directions for use
Spray directly on the skin after bathing or when you want to refresh yourself.
It can also be used as a substitute for a light perfume when going out.

Precautions for use and storage
Avoid spraying Body Splash on the face to avoid problems caused by excessive inhalation.
If the cosmetic does not agree with your skin, or if you notice redness, swelling, irritation, itching, or any other skin problems after use, discontinue use and consult a skin doctor or other specialist.
Do not store in extremely high or low temperatures or in direct sunlight.
This product is not intended for eating or drinking. Please be careful not to swallow it by mistake.

Product size: approx. W53 x H135 x D32 mm
Product weight: approx. 100g
Content volume: approx. 95㎖

Ethanol, water, polysorbate 80, fragrance, Na hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed collagen, kakitannin, ethylhexyl methoxysilicate, t-butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane, Na lactic acid, lactic acid, BHT, red 227, red 504, yellow 4, blue 1, yellow 5

Distributor: Benelic K.K.
Target age range: 15 years and up
JAN code: 4990593464852


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