Autocare 448 H1 Halogen Bulbs Packs of 5.

Please check and make sure this part is compatible with your vehicle before purchasing.

A lot of people don't check and cause unnecessary issues for the buyers.

Please read and check the part numbers before purchasing.

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Return policy:

To return a item it must be in the same condition as it was sent.

Must be returned within 30 days of the purchase date.

Pictures of defects must be taken and sent to BMWPARTS2024. before any items are refunded.

These items have been in storage for a while. They are new (unless stated otherwise,  so the boxes will reflect this.

They are not in the best condition (the boxes The products are in great condition.

Returns are accepted.

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All shipping is done via royal mail.

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If you would like a different courier.

That can be arranged.