Stodal Sugar Free for Dry Cough or Wet Cough, Irritating Cough and Cough with Phlegm. Non-Drowsy Day & Night Use No Dye Vanilla & Blackberry Flavours Adults and children ≥ 12 years: Take 15 mL orally, using the pre-measured cup provided, 3 to 5 times per day. Children 1-11 years: Take 5 mL orally, using the pre-measured cup provided, 3 to 5 times per day. Reduce frequency with improvement. Do not administer to children weighing less than 8 kg (17 pounds). Medicinal Ingredients: Antimonium tartaricum 6CH Bryonia 3CH Coccus cacti 4CH Drosera 3CH Ipeca 3CH Rumex crispus 6CH Spongia tosta 4CH Sticta pulmonaria 3CH Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Maltitol syrup Purified water Sodium benzoate Citric acid monohydrate Vanilla flavor Blackberry flavour