This is a rare and highly sought-after 1964 vintage Skipper Dream Room bed set, complete with bed, tables, chairs, pictures, vanity, record albums, TV, waste can,  floor covering, and more. The bed is designed for a 9-inch fashion doll and is made of sturdy cardboard with fabric coverings. The colorful multicolor bed set is in excellent condition and has been well-preserved over the years.

Perfect for collectors and enthusiasts of vintage Barbie dolls, this original Mattel product was made in Japan and is an authentic piece from the 1960s. The Skipper Dream Room is a unique piece of doll furniture that offers a glimpse into the era in which it was created. Whether you are a seasoned collector or just starting out, this Skipper Dream Room bed set is a must-have for any Barbie enthusiast.

Some rough spots and missing pieces! See all pics.