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Violent Faith

by Darrius Geter

Many Christians often find themselves on the losing end of a spiritual battle because they allow fear, doubt, and the negative influences of others to dominate them. This only weakens their faith and allows the enemy to gain a stronger foothold in their lives. But the time for passivity in spiritual warfare is over.
Violent Faith teaches you how to develop a vision for your life and bring it to fruition by challenging you to Get Violent" inside and outside of yourself. But "Getting Violent" doesn't mean harming yourself or others. "Getting Violent" means embarking on an aggressive, spiritual self-evaluation to identify root causes that hinder you from reaching your place of destiny. Apostle Darrius Geter's unique approach to spiritual warfare presents Christians with a new way of looking at faith. Geter demonstrates how to overcome a defeatist attitude, develop patience, and aggressively take back what the enemy is holding hostage from you. Whether you have negative thoughts, toxic relationships, or destructive habits, eliminating them from your life will help you put Christ first once again. No longer should Christians have the mindset that they must suffer in silence. With Violent Faith, you can learn how to walk aggressive faith that makes the enemy flee from your presence.

Brand New


Author Darrius Geter
Pages 88
Publisher Impactful Publishing
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798218308469
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-10-20
Imprint Impactful Publishing
Subtitle It's Time To Get Violent!
Audience General
