This is a Bermuda Letter from 1833.  It was sent from Bermuda to Canada.  It was sent by the younger son of Colonel Chas Jones, stationed with the Regiment in Bermuda.  It was sent to his older brother, a naval officer in Danville, Canada.

It shows the SHIP Mark in red, as well transits in Norfolk, Virginia and Queenstown, Canada.  It also has postal charges to British and listed states (transit) with H/S breakdown of British postage.

The letter itself is rather interesting.  As mentioned already, it's from the younger son of Colonel Chas Jones.  It's a request from the younger son to get help from their father to buy an officer's commission.  Nothing like a little good old fashioned nepotism, eh?  However, he didn't get the aid in the end.  This is a Unique Letter and a FANTASTIC Historical Document!

I will add photos of the letter's contents for serious buyers!

This item is over $100 USD so I will ship it using Priority Mail in the United States, and Registered Mail Overseas at buyer's expense.  This is to ensure that it reaches you in a safe and timely manner, and includes tracking!