1 ring made of sterling silver 925

Scorpion clutches a garnet

The size of the stone is approximately 1.6 cm x 1.3 cm

Have fun wearing it or giving it as a gift

If something attracts you as much as it scares you to death, then you're dealing with Scorpion energy. The deep water, for example, the deep, quiet lake, at its bottom can lie a treasure of gold or a monster. Who knows it? But you only get the treasure of gold if you risk encountering the monster.

The red garnet is the lucky stone of those born in January, for whom it has a lot of good things in store: its blood-red fire is said to give them courage and endurance, give them popularity, reputation and good friendships and reliably protect them from many misfortunes. The luminosity of the garnet is unique. Noah is said to have had a garnet lantern on his ark that got him safely through the night. In the Orient it was revered because of its intense red color. The stone was called “the blood from the heart of the earth”.

Assignments of gemstones in the sense of astrology go back a very long time. Approaches to this already existed in antiquity. Assigning stones to zodiac signs is a complex undertaking.

The birthstone/month stone is not identical to the assignment to the zodiac signs, but is assigned to the month of birth and depends on the day of birth, an anniversary or another significant date. But did you also know that it used to be customary to wear a different stone every month, as in the Middle Ages it was believed that the powers of the stones increased in each month?

The red garnet is the lucky stone of those born in January, for whom it has a lot of good things in store: its blood-red fire is said to give them courage and endurance, give them popularity, reputation and good friendships and reliably protect them from many misfortunes. The luminosity of the garnet is unique. Noah is said to have had a garnet lantern on his ark that got him safely through the night. In the Orient it was revered because of its intense red color. The stone was called “the blood from the heart of the earth”. The birthstone/month stone is not identical to the assignment to the zodiac signs, but is assigned to the month of birth and depends on the day of birth, an anniversary or another significant date. But did you also know that it used to be customary to wear a different s