Détails de l’annonce

Titre: Frankenstein SparkNotes Literature Guide
Condition: Neuf
EAN: 9781411469549
ISBN: 9781411469549
Publisher: SparkNotes
Format: Poche
Date de publication: 2014-02-04
Item Height: 209
Item Length: 133.00
Sujet: Anglais
Pays/Région de fabrication: US
Genre: Literary Criticism
Série: SparkNotes Literature Guide Series
ISBN-10: 1411469542
Description: When an essay is due and dreaded exams loom, here's the lit-crit help students need to succeed! SparkNotes Literature Guides make studying smarter, better, and faster. They provide chapter-by-chapter analysis, explanations of key themes, motifs, and symbols, a review quiz and essay topics. Lively and accessible, SparkNotes is perfect for late-night studying and paper writing.
Auteur: SparkNotes, Mary Shelley
Année de publication: 2014

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