The Nile on eBay

With the Diana Mini on the island

by Rainer Strzolka, Martina Hellmich

The Lomography Diana Mini is one of my photographic love-hates.
Unlike the Nikon F or the Leica M6, which are part of my life. Which I have carried with me constantly for decades.
Always absolutely reliable. I would never part with either of them. Just as I would never part with my wives.
In comparison, the Diana Mini is an overpaid whore. From which I part today. She is cult among the woken cappuchino drinkers of Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, but she is actually miserable. She is thus similar to her homies.
The Diana Mini's picture results are unique in every conceivable way. But also arbitrary.
The cameras break very quickly.
I have not owned a single Diana Mini that has lasted more than 10 rolls of films. Sometimes the flash works. Sometimes it doesn't. Tearing films: it can do that.
The gallery sheep Mrs. Hellmich and I have photographed a total of certainly 20 pieces of it broken. And photographed the corpses lined up against a wall.
Now is simply conclusion.
We had considered to enter into guarantee discussions with Lomography Vienna.
And renounced.
It is simply sometimes nice simply to renounce.
Not to buy anything anymore.
I used to replace it all the time, the Diana Mini. In the meantime I refuse to follow the business model of Lomography, Vienna, and to buy again and again new Diana Mini which are obviously planned to break.
So these photos I took with a Diana Mini are the last of my life with this camera. The present catalog is a continuation of an exhibition that took place on September 14, 2022, at the Carlsen farm on the island of Föhr. All photographs shown here were shown there for exactly one day analog. As enlargements of about one square meter.
All enlargements were given away to the visitors at the end of the exhibition day.
Remarkably, there is very little of the island of Föhr in this catalog Please visit us also on the Internet:

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Author Martina Hellmich
Pages 34
Publisher Independently Published
Year 2022
ISBN-13 9798353592037
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2022-09-19
Imprint Independently Published
Edited by Martina Hellmich
Series The Lomographic Library. Galerie Für Kulturkommunikation - Die Lomographische Bibliothek. Galerie Fü
Subtitle The Isle of Föhr diary 20-21 February 2020
Series Number 143
Audience General
