2 PawPaw Fruit tree seedlings.

A pair (2) of PawPaw seedlings .

Each seedling is 6-7 inch of top growth and 7 inch of taproot. Please see pictures.

Ontario Native “Tropical” Hidden Gem

These paw paw (Asimina triloba) seedlings are from top cultivars, all named parents.

Hardy 4-9. Rare To Find. Easy care , low maintenance

Perfect time to plant in late April- May

Pawpaw:( Asimina Triloba) : A Native Fruit that Tastes Like the Tropics

The PAW PAW (Asimina Triloba) is North America's largest native fruit. Cold Hardy -30C. Perfectly surviving Canadian winter . Zone 4b-9b.

Paw Paw is a small tree that produces hanging clusters of mango shaped fruit ( somewhat like banana) that matures its fruit in October in our Canadian climate. The fruit has sweet, yellow, custard-like flesh described as having a "deliciously tropical" mango-banana-kiwi flavour. Latest research is showing that the Paw Paw fruit is loaded with health promoting nutrients...you would have to eat a banana, an apple and an orange( all 3) to get the same nutrient content as one!

With its large drooping leaves and dramatic purple flowers in spring, the Paw Paw tree has great ornamental appeal as well.

Plant TWO PAWPAWS for cross pollination . You can also hand pollinate the flowers to maximize cropping in cold springs.

Our PawPaw seedlings are grown from selected grafted varieties ( Pennsylvania Golden , NC -1, Taylor , Sunflower and more)

Full sun required for mature trees 3 + years old.

Young trees need shade to survive and thrive. Full sun will kill baby pawpaw trees!

Older trees do fine in full sun, so if you don't have a shady spot, you can build for young seedlings a simple shelter for their first couple years.

We usually use a tomato cage or chicken wire wrapped with burlap for the first 3 years .

PawPaw after 3 years will need full sun .

Do I need a male and female tree? No. Pawpaws flowers have both male and female sex organs. But you do need two trees for cross pollination.

Soil Preference: Moist, but well draining. Natural fertilizer like cow or sheep manure , compost , bone meal , blood meal are beneficial!

Natural growth booster : Banana peels , used coffee grounds, egg shells, cinnamon powder . Mix with water using blender . Feed your trees every 2-3 weeks during summer .

The plant will send down a long taproot first. Once that is established it will work on growing above the ground. Protect young tree seedlings from slugs, cutworms & rodents, Squirrels and raccoons can dig up soil . Slugs especially can eat primary leaves as soon as they come up, so be vigilant!

DIY Slugs/snails repellent solution: 1 part of Household ammonia ( unscented,I like to buy it from Food Basics) . 9 parts of water Mix well ! Using watering can , sprinkle solution around plants .

Keep away raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks or mice , using fresh coffee grounds, cinnamon powder, bonemeal, blood meal, hen manure , cow manure, sheep manure and orange peels . Make sure to refil these after rain.

Fact: Pawpaw flowers are pollinated by beetles or flies , not bees.We recommend hanging ripe banana half split, to attract flies and beetles on Paw Paw trees.

Choose planting spot wisely. Pawpaw does not like to be transplanted after 3+ years . That’s why we sell 1-2 year old seedlings to minimize transplanting shock .

Planting Directions

Spring and Fall are the ideal times to put plants in the ground, when the trees are dormant. Here’s how:

Trees should be planted 15 to 25 feet apart to ensure adequate space for growth, but close enough for pollination.Work the soil down about a foot until it’s loose and crumbly. You’ll want to make it deep enough (about as deep as the pot) so that the brittle tap root is not stressed, and wide enough that the entire root system is not compressed. You can amend with coconut coir fibers or peat moss if the soil is compacted.Unpot your plant and loosen the soil and any tangled roots.Place the plant with its dirt into the hole, making the top of the pot soil even with the ground soil.

Tamp the soil down.

Make a ridge of earth around the plant, and apply a layer of mulch to aid in moisture retention. Please avoid volcano mulching . Make donut shape , don’t let mulch touch stem.

Water thoroughly and keep the soil moist throughout the growing season.