Once America's premiere Birding binocular they still give more modern optics a run for their money! Extremely crisp and clear views now that decades of built of film has been assiduously removed from all four precisely grounded and polished Bak-4 prisms that were made as well as those produced by Zeiss or Nikon. While out, we blackened their frosted sides so as to slightly help increase brightness and contrast in this single coated (magnesium fluoride) classic.

According to its serial number with the letter suffix it was produced in 1965 or about seven years before they moved production to Japan where the model underwent design changes. This specimen is interestingly four ounces heavier than my own 1948 made version due, we believe, to B&L reverting back to using aluminum in the castings of the chassis in lieu of the more expensive magnesium alloy. A cost cutting measure probably forced on them by the glut of cheaper Japanese made optics flooding the market. Otherwise construction quality is the exact same. That is to say ridiculously precise and with tight tolerances. So much so that they arrived with a focuser that barely moved. Typical for the model where we've seen completely frozen focus wheels and right diopters!

NYE synthetic damping grease replaced the older type used back then and it should give a lifetime of service. Still, they ought to be cleaned every 10-20 years depending on how and where they are used. Then with some TLC in their every day use, one should be able to leave them for the grandkids to marvel over and enjoy. So unlike most of today's Chicom produced binoculars.

For the widest possible views from this 7.1 degree width optic we recommend removing the rather deep screw off black plastic eye cups. They also came age welded so we freed them up, too, and conditioned them along with the chassis using an automotive product meant for vinyl. The leather strap was also conditioned and is mounted using the original blackened metal barbell keepers.

Case lid is detached but still usable for storage and transport with a rubber band to hold it on. One could get a leather worker to repair it, if desired.

No other Seller here offers as much for the $$! And we stand by our work performed literally at the kitchen table most nights while we take care of an adult autistic daughter and two dogs.

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