This is a Niche Guest Posting Service for the Shopping Niche.
The Shopping Blogs we post to all have a Domain Authority of 50+

Not sure how Guest Posts help?  

Keep reading to find out:

HOW a handful of “contextual backlinks” can boost your website’s rankings faster than any other backlinking strategy... 
How large volumes of backlinks (especially “cheap backlinks”) put your site at risk….
How every top ranking website you’ve come across has gotten to where they are (with verifiable proof)

↓ If you already know “how the sausage is made”,
 feel free to jump ahead to the “Service Details” section  ↓

SEO strategies come and go. But one thing never changes. And that’s a Search Engine’s reliance on high quality, niche relevant content.

If you were to have a closer look at just about any high traffic website online (be it a business site, news site, social media site or blog), you’ll notice that they all primarily serve as information portals, hubs or repositories in some shape or form (even when their primary goal is to sell a product or service). The reason behind this is the emphasis Google and other search engines place on high quality, accurate information.  

We expect the search engines we rely on to present us with the most accurate and relevant search results available, each and every single time.  Even the service upgrades we sign up for (offered by these tech giants), and the sponsored ads we happily click on are biproducts of the quality of the search results we are presented with.

It would therefore be fair to deduce that “information” (or more acutely “useful information”) is the lifeblood of a search engine. 

For this very reason, Search Engines (Google in particular) invest billions of dollars on an ongoing basis to keep their search results as clean and as relevant as possible; primarily through the practice of regular search algorithm updates. 
Search engine algorithms are essentially filters/rules that help to improve the quality of the search results for their end users.  Newly determined search rules get appended to their main search algorithms database (or collective of search engine rules); and consequently get deployed into the ether, with the help of an army of search engine bots. 

Just to give you some insight on what this process entails; in 2021, Google made over 5000 changes to search that affected their “ranking system”, user interface and other areas. This was the result of 800,000 experiments conducted by a team of 150,000+ industry leading experts. The mammoth task of enforcing and rigorously monitoring ongoing compliancy for these search algorithms (including the newly introduced ones) was then entrusted to a team of 9 billion search engine bots (or Google bots in this instance). 

It is ultimately these bots that determine whether a piece of content (be it a backlink, post, video, blog comment, social signal etc.) gets added to a search engine’s index /library or not.  If something’s not indexed, it’s not much different to it not being there altogether. 

Many assume that building backlinks is the end all and be all of the process. But in actuality, it’s the link indexing part (which generally take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks) that make the most difference.  It’s also the part that can get good sites in serious trouble (if the links acquired/built aren’t compliant with a search engine’s algorithms). 
Most links that are deemed “non-compliant” are usually biproducts of “cheap” and “mass” backlinking services (both of which’re heavily reliant on “automation”). That’s why they’re cheap to begin with. 

These “spammy backlinks” eventually get flagged by search engine bots and/or real users; potentially resulting in search engine penalties.  

SEO is not a numbers game as many wrongly assume. That in fact is the fastest route to getting a site blacklisted; essentially disqualifying it before the race even begins. 

There aren’t any silver bullets or shortcuts to shoot a site to the top of the search results either. 

This is why you don’t see any new sites on the first page of a popular Google search. And why you rarely find a link in the backlinks profile of a top ranking website that is sourced from a low quality domain; or even one that remotely resembles spam. Feel free to verify the above using the  “backlinks analysis” module of an Enterprise SEO tool like Ahrefs or SEMRush. 

This not only illustrates the importance of building a CLEAN backlinks profile (consisting of nothing but “the good stuff”) ; it also tells us that acquiring backlinks from higher quality websites is the way to go.

BUT not all higher quality backlinks are created equal. 

Google (and other search engines like Bing that still enjoy a slice of the “web traffic pie”) place a greater emphasis on “contextual backlinks”; particularly contextual backlinks that are niche relevant and “dofollow”; as they signal relevancy and authority (two major ranking determinants for search engines).   

These powerhouse backlinks (that top SEO Gurus including Brian Dean, Neil Patel & Matt Cutts consider to be the “fastest route to results”) can be acquired in one of two ways: 

1. By guest posting on popular blogs and sites with very high domain authority 
2. By guest posting on lesser known blogs and sites with medium to high domain authority

Whist the former is clearly the better option; very few top-tier websites allow guest posting (even to their paid members). Even the ones that do, do so with a great deal of caution; meaning the kind of contextual backlinks you end up through these sites might not always be the “real deal”. 

Take WordPress for instance. It has both a domain authority and domain rating of 93 (out of 100); essentially making it one of the highest authority websites on the web. But if you were to go about acquiring “contextual backlinks” from it; you would first be required to “create a new user account” there; essentially confining your guest posting privileges to a subdomain. You still get your contextual backlinks. But since the subdomain you get assigned is cutoff from the root domain, and has a domain authority of ZERO; the links you end up receiving here might not do you much good (not in terms of SEO anyway). 

Many prominent websites have similar “compartmentalization measures” in place, in order to safeguard themselves from sites that have little or no credibility. And from sites that have already gotten themselves “blacklisted”. 
Some are even known to use parameters and tags on contextual backlinks; in order to dilute the effects of the link juice being transferred elsewhere.

Whilst it is still possible to acquire effective contextual backlinks from these sites, with far fewer compromises; it can come at a price.

The more realistic, the more cost effective, and possibly the more beneficial option would therefore be to post on (privately owned) niche relevant blogs with medium to high domain authority. 

And that’s precisely what we’re making available to you today…

Service Details

Benefits of guest posting on our niche blogs: 

1. Our sites have an average domain age of 7 years. Some of our sites were registered way back in February of 2000. Domain age is a vital SEO metric that gets overlooked by most. 

2. The guest posts we publish for you are permanent. Many authority sites are notorious for deleting content due to “compliancy issues”. We do all the necessary checks beforehand to avoid these issues. 

3. The contextual links you receive from are 100% dofollow. We don’t use tags and parameters to nullify the link juice you receive.

4. The anchor texts used link directly to your site. We don’t use intermediary redirects to nullify the SEO benefits.  

5. If you choose to have us write the content for you (by ordering our Silver package), we’ll not only research your website and niche beforehand; we’ll even SEO optimize your articles prior to publishing them for best results. 

Service Options

We offer 3 packages for you to choose from. 
The Bronze Package gives you ONE guest post on one of our DA50+ Shopping websites. 
If you choose this option, you’re be required to provide your own content. The article you provide must consist of no less than 500 words.  It should be informative, unique, non-salesy and written around a Shopping related topic. The keyword you’re looking to anchor and contextualize can be mentioned twice within the article and once in the title. However, we are only able to anchor one of those keyword instances.  

If you opt for the Silver Package, we’ll write the article for you, anchor it with your preferred keyword and then publish it on the said website. We’ll even SEO optimize it for maximum yield. 

The Gold Package gives you a “contextual link placement” on a DA50+ Shopping blog that is  already indexed and generating traffic. You’re essentially receiving the same “contextual link” as before; but with several added perks. And without the need to generate/write new content. A single unit purchase gives you ONE link insertion.  

We have a total of sites in this niche (with similar site metrics). Multiple purchases receive discounts between 5 to 15% . Additional discounts are available (on request) to monthly subscribers. 

For best results:

1.   Most people pick their keywords without the aid of a professional keyword tool or process. And end up missing the mark altogether. If that’s you too, then it might be worth double-checking the keywords that you’re going after using a professional SEO tool like MOZ to see if they’re both “commercially viable” and “easy to rank”. Or you can use our Keyword research service to help you with the process. 

2.  SEO Optimize your website using our onpage optimizer service. Sites that have their onpage metrics “optimized” rank faster, and with far fewer backlinks. 

3.  Boost your website’s Google PageSpeed Insights performance score to 80 or above using our “site speed optimizer service”. Sites that load under 3 seconds and receive green lights across all PageSpeed Insight factors rank faster.  And experience fewer bounce rates. 

4.  Consider doing guest posts for your homepage as well as your product/service pages. This enables you to attain multiple rankings for the same search terms.

5.  Guest post on our sites on a regular basis, ideally once a month (“Consistency” is considered an important ranking metric)

6.  Incorporate this service with our monthly SEO Service for the purposes of “Link Diversity”. (another important ranking metric) 

7.  Guest post on high authority, high-traffic blogs that aren’t niche relevant. Authority blogs with “general topic interests” generate more traffic from a multitude of niches. 

AFTER placing your order:

Send us a message, stating the URL / website you’re looking to promote along with your preferred keywords, and other order requirements. 
Bear in mind that we are only able to anchor one keyword per post. 

If the niche you’re looking for isn’t listed here, please feel free to drop us a message.  We have nearly 1000 niche relevant blogs across 57 different niches (along with 100+ high traffic general websites). 

PS:  You are in a unique position today to change the tides in your favor. And finally put your site, and the business that you had worked so hard to build on the map …just by choosing to do SEO the right way (the way that it’s done by every single business, website owner and professional that’s ever come up ahead). 

However; if you choose to keep doing what you have always done; you’ll just keep getting what you’ve always gotten.