Echium Pininana Known as the giant tree echium, Pininana is spectacular and will ensure you are the envy of your neighbours. making a dramatic statement in any well-drained garden, Echium pininana are majestic and happy in borders or large containers. Nectar and pollen are produced in abundance to entice bees and butterflies who will arrive in numbers into your garden. large, hairy, grey-green foliage forms a beautiful, palm-tree-like rosette. the perfect base as tall 35cm wide towers grow, tapering as they rise to around 400cm tall.
Echium pininana is a Half-hardy biennial. 
Common name: Giant Viper's Bugloss
Hardiness: H3 (-1 to -5C)
Position: Full sun

Echium Fastuosum is also known as 'Pride of Madeira' being native to Madeira and is part of the Boraginaceae family. producing tall flower spikes in an eye-catching shade of bright indigo that seem to appear from nowhere as early as April, lasting all the way through August. it will add drama to your garden borders with the truly spectacular. growing to around 1m tall. they really will stand out in your mixed borders and demand attention, they are easy to grow and will thrive when position in full sun.  
Classification: Half Hardy Perennial

*Note: This plant have been grown in our greenhouse from seeds and ready to plant out now after the last frost.
Approximately height of 10-20cm.

Please note, Plants are only posted by Royal Mail on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays to avoid weekends.