Rhus coriaria fresh seeds, Sicilian sumac, Tanner's sumach, Elm-leaved sumach, Red sumach seeds, Deciduous shrub, Organic seeds (lat. Rhus coriaria).

A small tree or shrub, the type species of the genus Sumac (Rhus) of the Sumac family (Anacardiaceae). A small, relatively little branched tree or more often a shrub 1- 5 meters high. The bark is oblong-wrinkled, gray-brown on annual shoots, brown on perennial branches.

The leaves are 15-18 cm long, alternate, unpaired, with a winged, rough-fluffy petiole in the upper part, with 9-17 leaflets. The leaves are rough-fluffy, sessile, oblong-ovate or lanceolate, coarsely serrated, 3-5 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, rounded or broadly wedge-shaped at the base, pointed at the tip.

The flowers are greenish-white, in apical oblong-conical panicles, sometimes partially in small axillary panicles, almost sessile, unisexual, staminate and pistillate in different panicles. Staminate flowers in rare, longer panicles up to 25 cm long. Blooms in June - July.

The fruits are small, spherical or kidney-shaped, single-seeded drupes, reddish-brown from dense glandular pubescence. The fruits ripen in August - October.

Leaves, young branches and bark of trunks are rich in tannins, with the highest concentration during budding.

It grows in the mountains at an altitude of 700 m above sea level on dry rocky slopes, rocks, in sparse forests and along the edges. It is light-loving and very drought-resistant. It resumes in the seed and vegetative way, giving a young growth and forming layering. Tolerates frosts up to -20 °.