to attach to a wall, an altar, a temple, near a statue...

The Hindu Yantra is a powerful spiritual instrument that guides the user to higher levels of consciousness and facilitates meditation. This Sanskrit term means "taking control of the energy inherent in an element or a being" and "instruments or tools". A Yantra is a physical expression of a mantra, which is a divine aspect in the form of sound vibration, and takes the form of a geometric figure.

The Yantra provides a focal point representing a window into the absolute, allowing the mind to cease its mental chatter and achieve a state of silence and emptiness. It is considered a microcosmic image of the macrocosm, a focal point and an outer and inner door to spirituality. Yantras are generally associated with a specific deity, allowing one to connect to different creative forces in the universe. Their symmetrical and centered design facilitates concentration and meditation. They can be drawn on various media or be in three dimensions.

Hindu Yantras are objects of religious rituals, placed in places of meditation, altars or sacred spaces. They are essential for deepening spiritual practice and meditation. 

Integrating a Hindu Yantra into your spiritual practice allows you to get closer to the rich Hindu culture and enrich your spiritual journey. These sacred objects invite you to discover the traditions and beliefs of this ancient culture.

Origin: India

In GOLD metal

Dimensions: 5 x 5 cm approximately +/-

REF 160112/D2/7818

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The Hindu Yantra is a powerful spiritual instrument that guides the user to higher levels of consciousness and facilitates meditation. This Sanskrit term means "taking control of the energy inherent in an element or a being" and "instruments or tools". A Yantra is a physical expression of a mantra, which is a divine aspect in the form of sound vibration, and takes the form of a geometric figure. The Yantra provides a focal point representing a window into the absolute, allowing the mind to cease its mental chatter and achieve a state of silence and emptiness. It is considered a microcosmic image of the macrocosm, a focal point and an outer and inner door to spirituality. Yantras are generally associated with a specific deity, allowing one to connect to different creative forces in the univ