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Titolo: Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Casting Light or Shadow
ISBN-10: 1071904248
EAN: 9781071904244
ISBN: 9781071904244
Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 29/03/2024
Description: Ethics is at the heart of leadership. Leaders must make every effort to make ethical decisions and foster ethical behavior among followers. The Eighth Edition of Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or Shadow explores the ethical demands of leadership and the dark side of leadership. Bestselling author Craig E. Johnson takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from many fields of research to help readers make ethical decisions, lead with integrity, and create an ethical culture. Packed with dozens of real-world case studies, examples, self-assessments, and applications, this fully-updated new edition is designed to increase students’ ethical competence and leadership abilities.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 231mm
Lunghezza: 187mm
Peso: 850g
Autore: Craig E. Johnson
Genere: Law & Politics
Soggetto: Business & Finance
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024

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