There are hundreds of slides here! Over 4 total pounds! I found these at an estate sale recently, and I was told that they were ALL taken by ONE family over the late 70s and early 80s. Some of the slides ARE dated. Unfortunately, they are just thrown in a bag as you see.  I wanted to go through them one by one to find some cool ones to sell by themselves, but these are (for the most part) UNSEARCHED. I just don't have the time or patience to do it. All the ones I pulled out and photographed were completely at random. Some family stuff. Some travel. Lots of scenery and whatnot. You never know what you'll find!

(I'm not just saying "unsearched".... I really didn't do a deep search into these. There really are probably some super cool ones in here somewhere!)

Most are dated 70s/80s. I don't think there are any super old ones, sorry!
