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Raising a kid Easy peasy

by Jacqueline LeLoup

This book, full of practical information and real-life examples shows each parent how to adapt their communication style to each of their children.
By applying these principles, parents will accomplish their educational goals in a more sustainable manner.
Imagine families where peace reigns ...
And how enjoyable ii is when harmony results from mutual acceptance!
In addition ... what's not to like? Raising a child can be fun, joyful and easy peasy too!!
Don't wait any longer, dare to put this book into practice and enjoy the results."

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Author Jacqueline LeLoup
Pages 146
Publisher Raising a Kid ... Easy Peasy
Year 2022
ISBN-13 9782805207440
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2022-09-05
Imprint Raising a Kid ... Easy Peasy
Subtitle Keys to parent child communication
Audience General
