Rare Vintage "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" Paramount Pictures Archive Reference Library VHS Tape.

From the Paramount Pictures Reference Library. This is from the personal effects of a Paramount Pictures Film Librarian.

On the tape, it is labeled 4MC with their Hollywood address.  They are a Provider of technical and creative services for Hollywood.  It has "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" S-VHS NTSC DUB PO#D120037. Parts 1&2 Tied 1:57:52. Clean copy CH. 1&2: Stereo. Paramount Pictures 5/13/94.

On the plastic case, it is labeled on the front and spine 4MC. an"What's Eating Gilbert Grape?” S-VHS NTSC DUB PO#D120037. Parts 1&2 Tied 1:57:52. Clean copy CH. 1&2: Stereo. Paramount Pictures 5/13/94.

And a label that says return Paramount Pictures Corp.    And their address.

This is directly from the Paramount Studios Reference Library.

The case has a little wear, but overall, it is in a really good condition. My VCR was playing up, but I managed to see some of the opening credits, where it shows some technical data showing this is a master transfer tape.  See the pictures for more details.  I didn't watch the whole tape and can’t guarantee the picture and sound quality and movie throughout the tape. Sold as is.

I have rarely seen a  classic movie like this that is part of the movie Studios Library, or a sample or test video.

Ultra rare and desirable.  Own a part of film history. You will probably not see another one of these. Own a one of a kind collectors item from a classic movie. See my other listing titles from this archival collection