1 0 Bulbs Without Foliage BEACH SPIDER LILY BULBS (Hymenocallis Littoralis).

Hardiness Zones

3-10. Lift in Fall in zones 3-5

Mature Height

18 - 24 inches

Bloom Time

Late summer to early fall (August - September)

Light Requirements

Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade

Cut Flower

Attracts Pollinators Clusters of creamy white, spider-like flowers look showy in the late summer garden or a vase. Lycoris albiflora (White Spider Lily) grows 18-24" tall with green, strap-shaped foliage that disappears in July. In August, 3-5 flowers open on each stem and attract pollinators. White Spider Lily is ideal for planting among groundcovers or among annuals or perennials. For the best garden performance, grow in well-drained soil and in full sun to partial shade. In zones lower than zone 7, apply a winter cover. Lift in the fall in zones 3-5.