"A Carolina Rice Plantation of the Fifties" written by Herbert Ravenal Sass and D E Huger Smith is a hardcover. It was published by William Morrow and Company, New York. 1936. It has 97 pages and has 30 illustrated watercolor plates by Alice Ravenal Huger Smith. This book is a first edition/first printing. Bound in grey cloth boards with red titles present to the spine.  Alice Ravenel Huger Smith (July 14, 1876 – February 3, 1958) was an American painter. One of the leading artists of the Charleston, South Carolina Renaissance, 1915 to 1940, Alice Smith was known for her landscape and genre paintings.  She was a descendent of several distinguished families.  She was largely self taught and had neither enough money nor inclination to go to school.  She learned by observing prints of the Japanese ukiyo-e-school, and did numerous woodblock prints using the same principles including the reflection of reverence for nature in her subject matter. She was one of the leading figures in the so-called Charleston Renaissance, along with Elizabeth O'Neill Verner, Alfred Hutty, and Anna Heyward Taylor. Smith was a native of Charleston, South Carolina.