1. Planting Time
Water spinach thrives in environments with ample sunlight, high temperatures, and high humidity. The seeds require temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius (°C) to germinate.

2. Sowing Method

3. Fertilizing
Water spinach has a high demand for nutrients and water. Apart from applying sufficient base fertilizer at planting, it requires watering and fertilizing when it reaches 5cm in height to promote rapid growth. Frequent watering is necessary to keep the soil moist. After harvesting, timely fertilization is important for regrowth, with a focus on nitrogen fertilizers. Although water spinach can tolerate some degree of dense planting, overly dense conditions can prevent proper light exposure and may lead to rot.

4. Harvesting
Harvesting can begin around 45 days after sowing. The timing of harvest can depend on the size of the plant, for example, harvesting when the plant reaches about 30cm in height. However, this is suitable for continuous harvesting. For a one-time harvest, it's best to do so when the water spinach plants are about 25cm tall. If harvesting multiple times, leave about 10cm of the plant stem each time to allow for continued growth.