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The Engine

by Derrick E. Whitfield

This is a futuristic tale that starts in 2114 and shows the advanced stateof the world. A world that solved nearly all of the ills of the past including: War, Famine, Climate Change, Resource Shortages, Violent Crimes, and Traffic Congestion to name a few.Thanks to the development in 2024, of the first Quantum Plasma Fuel Mechanism, dubbed TheEngine, and the first Time Machine. After development, it evolved during every iteration, intothe Technological wonder, it has now become in the future.However, with every masterful invention comes the threat of nefarious intentions, by those whowould rather see such advancements, used for their own selfish and ambitious desires. Nowenters T.E.A.M the Time Enforcement Advanced Missions Agency under the leadership ofChairperson Kelley Freeman and kept in balance by her top Officer Captain Ben Thompson andhis partner Exley James. A new threat has emerged from an underground organization known asThe Union of Ophidian. Who has managed to plant a mole deeply within TEAM. Before themole can be identified, Ben and the rest of TEAM find themselves the victim of a TimeRealignment, happening right before Ben's eyes.He captures the mole, a Level 9 agent known as Hanson. Ben soon discovers that he's too late.As Hanson gloats, reality and life, as Captain Ben Thompson once knew, slowly begin totransform into a new reality, where this once highly revered officer now becomes Public EnemyNumber 1. Hanson and the Union of Ophidian have gained control of the Engine and QuantumPlasma Technology, to create their own corrupt but technologically advanced society. Now Benis literally in a race against time to restore the present he once knew, and protect the future, fromthe menacing control of Hanson and the Union of Ophidian.

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Author Derrick E. Whitfield
Pages 100
Publisher Lincoln Writes
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781961028098
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-06-16
Imprint Lincoln Writes
Audience General
