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Titolo: 21 Pounds in 21 Days
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox
Autore: Roni DeLuz, James Hester
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 0061242098
EAN: 9780061242090
ISBN: 9780061242090
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Genere: Society & Culture
Soggetto: Personal Development, Medicine
Data di pubblicazione: 01/01/2009
Description: Detox diets are making news as the quickest, easiest way to shed pounds, boost your energy, and get yourself on a wellness track. Popular in the 1970s, cleansing fasts are again all the rage among celebrities like Gisele Bundchen, Gwyneth Paltrow, Stella McCartney, and Madonna. One of the key advocates of the health benefits of cleansing detoxes is Roni DeLuz, ND, a licensed naturopathic and health practitioner at Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat, part of the renowned Martha's Vineyard Inn. Meals consist of supplement-laden drinks, herbal teas, thick, delicious vegetable purees, and 'live' juices, along with nutritional supplements, vitamins, and enzymes designed to keep the body's systems stable and its cells nourished while harmful toxins are flushed out. "The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox" isn't just for those looking to lose weight; everyone can benefit from this revolutionary detox diet that results in a clean, refreshed system that functions at its best.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 235mm
Lunghezza: 187mm
Larghezza: 15mm
Peso: 357g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2009

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