The Red Book von C. G. Jung

The Red Bookvon C. G. Jung

Art Nr.: 0393089088

ISBN 13: 9780393089080

SubTitle: A Reader's Edition

Release Year: 2018

Published by: Norton & Company

Cover: Buch

Cover Format: 223x152x38 mm

Pages: 600

Weight: 775 g

Language: Englisch

Author: C. G. Jung

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The Red Book, published to wide acclaim in 2009, contains the nucleus of C. G. Jung's later works. It was here that he developed his principal theories of the archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation that would transform psychotherapy from treatment of the sick into a means for the higher development of the personality. As Sara Corbett wrote in the New York Times, 'The creation of one of modern history's true visionaries, The Red Book is a singular work, outside of categorization. As an inquiry into what it means to be human, it transcends the history of psychoanalysis and underscores Jung's place among revolutionary thinkers like Marx, Orwell and, of course, Freud.' The Red Book: A Reader's Edition features Sonu Shamdasani's introductory essay and the full translation of Jung's vital work in one volume.
Read Sample:
A portable edition of the famous Red Book text and essay.
Information of Author
Carl G. Jung, geb. am 26. Juli 1875 in Kesswil in der Schweiz, studierte Medizin und arbeitete von 1900-09 an der psychiatrischen Klinik der Universität Zürich (Burghölzli). 1905-13 war er Dozent an der Universität Zürich, 1933-42 Titularprofessor an der ETH und 1943 Ordentlicher Professor für Psychologie in Basel. Jung gehört mit Sigmund Freud und Alfred Adler zu den drei Wegbereitern der modernen Tiefenpsychologie. Er entwickelte nach der Trennung von Sigmund Freud (1913) die eigene Schule der Analytischen Psychologie. C. G. Jung starb am 6. Juni 1961 in Küsnacht.